PRODUCTIVITY AT THE WORKPLACE: improving effectiveness in your career


A tale is told of two individuals, lets say “Kwame and Kofi” who, after graduating from college, worked for the same firm. The anecdote makes a good case for how various personalities can come together in the workplace to accomplish a task. When assigned a task, Kwame was always willing to go above and beyond, in contrast to Kofi, who merely followed the provided directions without trying to do more. Despite believing he is the greatest at his job, he can be considered unproductive since he lacks initiative and requires constant supervision as he works. It is important to establish that the names used are mainly and only for the purpose of illustration.

Robert Dilts presented a helpful model to understand how we can achieve change at an individual and organizational level and how the following aspects can affect employees’ productivity by using the neurological triangle to illustrate the stages of change. These variables include the following: Environment, behavior, skill, identity,  values and purpose.

Making the most of scarce resources is a broad topic that affects all organizations. Productivity is concerned with this. The output of a productive effort, particularly in industry, is a measure of its effectiveness. This article is pertinent to how individuals, employees, churches, schools, etc. can contribute more to their respective organizations’ daily activities. In general, employers are not pleased to see their staff perform poorly when given tasks and will take the required steps to support the staff’s development. This is so because every task, just like every employee’s position, is crucial to the development of the company. The following ideas are used by coaches to assist clients in organizing their thoughts or moving up the hierarchy to address more substantial, deeper causes for change.

  • Environment: This factor pertains to where and you are performing the task. Your work place is for instance your environment. How does this place encourage or hinder your productivity?
  • Behavior: How you respond to a situation is greatly influenced by the setting in which you find yourself. Behavior is a playable output that is challenging to alter. Is there something negative you do, that is triggered by an envrionment you find yourself in? Have you observed that you tend  to be more productive in some environments than others? Is it possible that a footballer may excel in one club but not the other? Whiles environment is where you are , behaviour is what you do.
  • Capabilities and skills: This level focuses on your capacities, talents, and knowledge and how these influence your actions and behaviors. This level asks the question, how do you do what you do, in your environment?
  • Beliefs/Values: When people do not have confidence in their own abilities, they frequently choose not to act. Your belief system may occasionally be the cause of your poor performance at work. This may be happening subconsciously or behind the scenes. Reorinting our belief system for positive has a unique way of maximizing productivity. How do your belief and value system influence your effectiveness? Values describe what is important to you.
  • Identity: This relates to who you believe yourself to be. Reasons being that your sense of identity will inform every action you take. Most of the time, our feeling of identity takes precedence over our ability. Identity is who you are.
  • Purpose: What is your life’s highest goal? – The connection between you and the bigger portion of the system or the entire globe is the focus of this level, which is also the highest in the hierarchy. Align yourself to the bigger picture of your organisation’s goals. Purpose is for whom you do what you do.

It is prudent to note that everyone has unique talents and weaknesses that might work for or against them depending on the circumstance. Develop a sense of self and discipline. Finding success in a certain field and being able to handle any assignment without micromanaging at any time will work in your advantage.

A strategy is a plan of action created to accomplish a long-term or broad goal. Organizations use strategies to accomplish their objectives. The lockdown experience proved to companies that some techniques and strategies do not work, and this has encouraged them to come up with more effective ways to accomplish the same objectives.

The usage of virtual platforms for meetings rather than in-person encounters is a prime example. Many individuals and organizations were able to achieve enormous results in a short amount of time with little work because of this switching process.

Ahead of the pandemic,Role Model Africa’s Internship Recruitment Forum was designed as an in-person session. Innovation and creativity had to be employed  to make the most of the virtual platforms, when the schedule of restrictions got more uncertain. Optingbfor virtual platforms had unique ways of making the programme reach a larger audience outside of Accra, as it was initially intended for students just in Accra.

Every industry has a prime time of year. For instance, sanitizers have been around for a while, but their use increased dramatically during the lockdown . At the height of this period, the demand soared globally. Distributors profited greatly.

In order to provide both throughout your peak and lean seasons, you must maintain your level of performance. Particularly during your busiest time of year, when all hands should be on deck.

Achieving a goal serves as a bedrock for future achievements. For the first time in 2006, Ghana qualified for the FIFA World Cup. Prior to this, the Blackstars had won the Africa Cup of Nations for four times. Interestingly almost every other time 2006 we have made a feature at the World Cup. Why is this important? Except for 1942 and 1946 owing to World War II, the FIFA World Cup has been running since 1930 and Ghana qualifies for the first time after how many years? Say this confidently; a goal is the bedrock for future achievements.

Determine tactics to reach your goals after setting realistic ones. Start with minor goals, and as you accomplish them, you’ll be inspired to establish larger ones. It is encouraged that businesses put in a lot of effort and use their social media accounts to explain their influence in order to gain the support of NGOs and other organizations.

Samuel Agyeman-Prempeh is a Certified Professional Trainer (CPT) by the International Association for People and Performance Development (IAPPD). A publishing consultant assisting busy executives to write and publish bestselling books.

He has served as Head of Protocol at a diplomatic mission, Corporate Affairs Officer at a French multinational agribusiness and as Events & Media Correspondent for a digital ad agency.


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