Regent University holds 16th graduation ceremony


Regent University College of Science and Technology, one of the leading private science and technology Universities in Ghana has held its 16th graduation ceremony for the graduating class of 2022.

The ceremony was held under the theme ‘Advancing TVET and STEM Education: The Dual Role of Private and Government in Tertiary Institutions’ at the University’s premises which saw 200 students both male and female graduating with degree and masters in their field of study.

Speaking on the theme, the President of the University, Nana Yaw Boadi Appiah, said as part of measures to ensure that youth unemployment are addressed, young people must be equipped with the requisite skill to help meet the trends and challenges of work shaping the future of work.

“A study conducted by the MasterCard Foundation reported that only 9 percent out of 98 percent of young people who enroll at the primary level in Sub-Saharan Africa make it to the university or any tertiary institution, and only 6 percent of them graduate. This revelation indicates that as African economies change, young people need the knowledge and skill that respond to the trends and challenges shaping the future of work; and this is what the Regent Agenda is all about as we move into the future,” he said.

He stated that the school has always had plans to expand opportunities for developing relevant technical and vocational skills through offering programs related to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) that are aligned to the promotion of entrepreneurship and training employees with digital literacy and 21st century skills such as effective communication, creativity and problem solving and critical thinking as well as resilience and team work.

To ensure that the school achieves whatever it has planned, the president said they have signed a memorandum of understanding with the Ghana National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GNCCI) and other industry-based associations to bring them to the lecture rooms.

Mr. Boadi mentioned that the institution is poised to generate and disseminate knowledge universally and provide community service through teaching, research and socio-cultural engagements with the community for public good. These would be achieved through research, international partnerships, development of demand-driven industry relevant to academic programmes and adoption of relevant technology in teaching and learning.

Calling for government’s intervention he said: “My predecessor did this in our last convocation, and I want to take this opportunity to repeat his appeal to you on the following requests he made: Bus for the university to support our outreach programmes and industrial visits, there is the need for a safer pedestrian crossing, probably a bridge that will link the university to the other side of the road for the safety of these future leaders, governmental intervention or partnership to establish business incubator on campus and government support or introduction of potential partners in that direction would be much appreciated.”

He congratulated all the graduating class of 2022 and urged them to join the Regent Alumni Association from which they can support the university in their own small way and build effective network.