AFIS Awards 2022: 5 great figures of African financial sector rewarded


For its first physical edition, the Africa Financial Industry Summit in partnership with Mazars has rewarded outstanding figures representing the continent’s financial vitality and resilience. Nominees included companies, executives and central bank governors from across the entire continent.

The awards ceremony took place during the Africa Financial Industry Summit 2022 gala dinner held on Monday, November 28 in Lomé. Nominees competed in four categories: African Champion, Disrupter of the Year, Woman Leader and Central Bank Governor.

For each category, juries composed of renowned professionals and experts had the task of picking a winner. The Africa Financial Industry Summit editorial team also rewarded a personality from the financial sector for his career achievement by inducted him into the ‘Hall of Excellence’.

The winners of the AFIS Awards 2022 edition are: African Champion, Groupe Sunu; Disrupter of the Year, Jumo; Woman Leader, Kanayo Awani; Central Bank Governor, John Rwangombwa; and Hall of Excellence, Ade Ayeyemi.

“Mazars is now the proud sponsor of this awards event, whereby we highlight the continent’s most outstanding success stories and personalities. African role-models, whether individuals or companies, are pioneers and it is important to reward and celebrate their successes to inspire the next generation of African leaders,” said Charles de Boisriou, Partner and Member of the African Board at Mazars.

“One of the ambitions of AFIS is to contribute in the development of a world-class financial sector. The five winners of the AFIS Awards 2022 are a perfect example of the professionalism and expertise the continent needs,” said Ramatoulaye Goudiaby, AFIS Director at Jeune Afrique Media Group.

About the Africa Financial Industry Summit

Founded by Jeune Afrique Media Group in 2021 with the support of IFC (World Bank Group), AFIS is a sister organisation of the Africa CEO Forum – leading platform of the African private sector.

Africa’s development depends on building an efficient, inclusive and sustainable financial sector. To this end, AFIS stimulates dialogue between governments, regulators and top banks, insurance companies, mobile money operators and fintech on a continent whose growth potential is curtailed by a misdirection of available funds.

The aim of AFIS is to build a robust financial industry to serve the real economy and sustainable development. ​It brings together the most influential leaders, regulators and institutions of African finance. It works to improve financial inclusion and the emergence of a true pan-African industry of financial services, and gives voice to the most influential players in African financing.

AFIS is actively committed in contributing to success of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which should accelerate integration and growth for Africa’s financial sector.