NLA former Director of Operations conferred fellow of CIMC


Dr. George E. Gyamfi-Osew, a former Director of Operations for the National Lottery Authority, now on retirement, has been conferred a fellow for the Chartered Institute of Management Consultants (CIMC).

The CIMC is a body of international repute dedicated to high ethical and professional standards within the management profession and are committed to raising the profile of the management consultancy. The CIMC has an expanding membership who work at all levels of management consultancy, and are represented in over 20 countries across the globe.


An accomplished Chartered Marketer and a Chartered Management Consultant by profession, George E. Gyamfi-Osew is a former Director of Operations at the National Lottery Authority, having served as the pioneer Marketing and Sales Director of NLA (2003 – 2011) and subsequently as Director, Special Projects (2011-2013).

George is a former Vice President of Manet International Corporation, real estate developers. Prior to joining the then Department of National Lottery (DNL), George was a Managing Partner of George and Associates, a Business Strategy Consulting firm. He is also the Chairman of Tempo Estates.

He holds a Graduate Diploma in International Marketing from the London School of International Business; Postgraduate Diploma in Management Studies from London Guildhall University, an MBA from London South Bank University, a Masters Achievement in Business Resilience (MABR) from Business Resilience Certification Consortium International, Canada, and a Doctor of Public Administration from the Commonwealth University.

George is a fellow of the Chartered Management Institute, UK and the Chartered Institute of Marketing, both Ghana and the UK as well as a fellow of the Institute of Loan and Risk Management, Ghana and the Civilian Institute of Democratic Administration. He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Consultants (Canada/USA).

He has authored a number of publications on service and marketing management.

George currently serves on the Membership, Professional and Advisory Committee (MPAC) of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), the largest Professional Marketing body in the world. He also served as a member of the Marketing/Advertising/Sponsorship Sub-Committee of CAN 2008 LOC, and as an adjunct faculty member of the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration.

He is the Life Patron of the Chartered Institute of Marketing Students’ Association, Ghana and is the current President/Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, Ghana Branch. In 2010, he was inducted into the International Who is Who Historical Society of Professionals.

As a Director, George was instrumental in the formulation and implementation of a myriad of reforms at NLA. Among these are:

  • Decentralistation of NLA operations to all regions and some districts;
  • Introduction of additional games (Including Dividend);
  • Two draws a day, every day except Sundays and public holidays;
  • Introduction of playing lotto via phone;
  • Migration of play from paper to machine;
  • Manual coupons to electronic vending of Lotto; and
  • Introduction of prize payment and retailer commission through the banks.

In recognition of his exceptional contribution to the economic development of Ghana in the area of National Revenue Mobilisation (Lottery), the Ghana Business Leaders Lifetime Achievement Excellence Award was conferred on Dr. George E. Gyamfi-Osew on April 30, 2022 at the 5th Ghana Business Leaders Excellence Awards.