Insights with Dzigbordi K. Dosoo: Business workplace communication

Positive conflicts in the workplace

Communication is one of the most important keys I hammer on in my coaching and all my speaking engagements. If you are familiar with my engagements, you would have noticed that I always emphasize communication, communication and more communication as key to all levels of relationships. When it comes to the workplace, communication is even more important. In fact, communication is one of the most important aspects of any thriving business, company or organization.

In one of my coaching sessions I had to draw the attention of my coachee that in this new normal where in-person engagement is being replaced with more virtual engagements, it is key that they respond to their boss’ messages within a reasonable time to keep that smooth communication. The outcome of applying what was learnt is an improved working relationship that has positively affected productivity, and the label “inactive” that was placed on the coachee has been erased.

There has been a redefinition of workplace communication and it is important that both leaders and workers take note and tune their minds to be able to go along with that evolution for maximum productivity. The transformation that has happened due to technological advancement has brought about varied mediums where information can be exchanged. Leaders and their teams are able to share their ideas via formal and informal ways these technological advancement offers. defines workplace communication as the means by which employees exchange information and ideas. Communicating effectively is a critical aspect of getting any job done, whether it occurs in-person or virtually and is part of the internal communications efforts within an organization. According to a Workforce poll, approximately 60% of companies do not have a long-term strategy for their internal communications. Reviewing and updating a business’s communications strategy will define the direction and emphasis for idea creation and sharing that will drive the future of the business.

Ringcentral goes further to explain that communication in the workplace is not just about how well you work with others. It is about building relationships, minimizing errors, and most importantly, working as productively as possible. Encouraging good communication habits throughout the workplace can be one of the most crucial things you do as a leader. Because the numbers do not lie. In a survey of 400 corporations, it was found that communication barriers cost an estimated $37 billion per year in lost productivity.

So, what effective communication skills can you install in your workplace, and how do you do it? What are good communication skills to have? Whether you are an enterprise, a small business, company or organization, having good communication from top to bottom is essential. Part of having good communication is understanding a “shared meaning.” This refers to the real information being understood by each party involved, using words that mean the same to everyone, especially when it is industry-specific terminology.

You need to analyze how you communicate in the workplace as the leader of a business, company or organization from time to time, in order to know where you need to improve. Then, you can consciously develop a strong communication strategy for everyone to work from. This will help stop the unnecessary drag of discussions because communication is not clear, keep it brief and to the point, and save time which is an important asset to every business, company or organization.

Communication can improve employee engagement in the following ways:

  • Gives you tools to better understand the needs and goals of your employees.
  • Allows you to better understand what motivates and fulfills the employee.
  • Better understanding of employees’ talents and skills that may otherwise go unnoticed.
  • Ability to cultivate talents and skills in a way that develops them in line with company goals.
  • Improved connection between co-workers for a more positive and satisfying work environment.
  • Better relationship with managers and leaders

Good Communication Creates Better Client Relationships: This one is a biggie if you have client-facing employees since client interactions are usually the difference between a satisfied customer and a disgruntled one. When your employees are trained to communicate more effectively and to connect with others they can better:

  • Mitigate and resolve conflict
  • Understand needs
  • Help the customer feel understood
  • Present new information in a way in which the client will be more receptive

In the workplace, good communication is not just about mitigating conflict (although that is an important benefit of communicating effectively). Good communication is also an important factor in client relationships, profitability, team effectiveness, and employee engagement – leadershipchoice.

In all my engagements as a coach, I make sure one of the key things I teach my coachees, is it the right way to communicate in the workplace, as it a game changer. I have come to realize that learning to approach workplace communication in the right way makes all the difference, based on the positive feedback that I keep receiving whenever coachees practise what is being taught at their coaching sessions.

Once there is an understanding that people in the workplace come from diverse backgrounds, and have different belief systems that affect the way they think, process information and view things, it is easier to exercise patience when engaging them at the workplace where more time is spent than home; suddenly what seemed to have been a mountain becomes a mole hill when communication is clear.

I am very passionate when it comes to communication so it is one of the human skills I hammer on anytime I am called upon to facilitate a strategy session. I break down the main verbal and non-verbal communication types to help them grasp it fully for effective implementation.

There are many methods you can use when it comes to workplace communication. Here are 4 points to help when it comes to workplace communication for productivity:


Although this may sound very simple, many workplaces do not practice it enough. Actively listening to others is arguably the most important communication skill you need to have as a leader and a worker in general. Whenever you find out that you have the tendency to talk over others or cut in when others are making their point, you have to hold yourself and try to be more patient until they are done, especially if you are the superior. There is always an opportunity you will get after they are done to make your point. Employees feel more valued and appreciated when they feel like they are being listened to, and this creates a more collaborative culture for the business, company or organization. As a leader, it also gives you the opportunity to understand issues or concerns about a task from an employee’s perspective; and this can lead to improving employee engagement.


It is very important not presume the other person understands what you are communicating. You must ask to know and allow the workers you are communicating with to clarify what it is that you shared without any form of intimidation from you as a leader. Similarly, you do not have to be afraid to speak up if you need clarity on something as a worker. Asking questions can help you to gain a better understanding of certain situations, and you as a leader should always be encouraging your employees to ask you if they are unsure of anything you communicated to them. Not only can this improve relations with employees, but it can also help to minimize errors. Sometimes a simple question to double-check can save mistakes from happening.


You need to improve your communication style if you want to bring out the best in your team and give your clients the best service or products. There are various platforms for communication which can be a video call, texting, voice note or phone call in. These platforms includes Zoom, Skype, Stream Yard, Hopin, WhatsApp, Slack and Emails. There is still the traditional one-on-one or in-person engagements. Try and find out which ones your staff, colleagues and clients are comfortable with, and establish a routine with the frequency of communication too. This will help them know what to expect and become accustomed to. It also means that you have to establish a routine which will always help you deliver to avoid disappointment that can cost you.


Being open-minded is another key communication skill you must make every effort to have in the workplace. It allows you to enter a conversation free of judgment, prejudice or preconceived ideas, giving the person speaking the confidence to explain new ideas that could potentially benefit the business, company or organization. If as a leader you are quick to shut things down, your team members will be less inclined to share with you their ideas. Your conversations will be less honest, and less productive because of this. By keeping an open mind you show that you are willing to enter into a dialogue with someone whose opinion you may not agree with. And as in many occasions, you may surprise yourself by the end of that conversation.

Workplace communication as established is a crucial aspect of communication which no business, company or organization can function effectively without. Employers and employees should therefore make a conscious effort to keep applying it for the high productivity they continuously crave.

For more insight to the types of communication, you can grab a copy of my book “The Essentials of Image Leadership” which is out now.

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