Adom City Estate organises breast cancer awareness programme


“There can be life after breast cancer. The prerequisite is early detection” – to wit, there is hope for persons living with breast cancer, the most important being early detection.  This is a quote by an American actress Ann Jillian.

Breast cancer is a critical medical condition that has stared humanity in the face for several decades, particularly females. Even though there is no scientifically proven cure for cancer, the condition can be managed if detected early enough.

In this pursuit, breast cancer survivor Betty Ford initiated and hosted the first edition of the Breast Cancer Awareness campaign in the month of October 1985, in partnership with the American Cancer Society and pharmaceutical division of Imperial Chemical Industries.

The purpose of the initiative was to sensitise humanity on the causes, symptoms, treatment and preventive measures of the disease. Ever since then, the month of October has been used to create awareness, educate and sensitise the whole world about breast cancer.

Taking this year’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month to another level, Adom City Estate – a real estate developer – decided to champion this cause for two reasons: First and foremost is the fact that the founder and CEO of Adom Group of Companies, Dr. Bright Adom, is a philanthropist who believes that the welfare of human beings is paramount and must be held in supreme esteem above all other interests of mankind – corporate or parochial – irrespective of race, class and ethnicity.

This philosophy appears to be the essence of his whole presence on earth as a person, and there’s no wonder that this is evident in almost everything he does. A classic demonstration of this attribute of his has found expression, partly, in the extremely reduced prices of our houses considering the quality and standard given in exchange.

His interest has always been “shelter over the heads of human beings”. Second is the fact that females constitute a greater percentage of our workforce. The sales and marketing department, for example, is manned by 60% females and 40% males. The same applies for the accounts and the administration departments just to mention a few.

In this direction, the founder and Group CEO Dr. Bright Adom, together with his management team, decided to organise this programme that came in two sessions: sensitising the staff and also free breast cancer screening for all female staff of the group.

In her presentation, health professional Madam Esther Adortey – a midwife from the Adabraka Polyclinic – enumerated the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, which include but are not limited to the following: change in the size, shape or contour of your breast; presence of a mass or lump, which may feel as small as a pea; a lump or thickening in or near your breast or in your underarm that persists through your menstrual cycle;  a change in the look or feel of your skin on your breast or nipple; redness of the skin on your breast or nipple; an area that’s distinctly different from any other area on either breast; a marble-like hardened area under your skin; a blood-stained or clear fluid discharge from your nipple et cetera.

She also took time to educate the staff on conditions and other factors that predispose women to breast cancer, among which are: exposure to dangerous chemicals; excessive use of lifestyle body-enhancing products; alcoholism et cetera. She also added that women at the age of 50 and above stand a higher risk of getting breast cancer. She ended her presentation by giving hope to all persons living with the condition – saying that there are treatment options, among which are surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy and targetted drug therapy.

Adom City Estate has been the leading real estate developer in Ghana for the past ten (10) years, and is still leading in the provision of affordable mass and social housing. We are not recognised as the leading developer by virtue of our work alone, but also a record-breaking capacity we are proud of. Since its inception, the company has built about 2,000 housing units within a space of ten (10) years. What this means is that we are able to build 200 housing units a year, and 17 a month by approximation.

We take pride in the successes chalked up over the years, among which are: Best Developer, Mass Social Housing at the enviable Africa Property Awards for the year 2021 – 2022; coupled with our most recent global award won this month of September 2022 as the Industry Leader in Affordable Housing in Ghana, at the just-ended Africa Real Estate Conference and Expo awards organised in partnership with the Ghana Real Estate Professionals Association (GREPA); Five-time consecutive winner at the Ghana Property Awards as Best Developer of the Year – Mass Housing category between 2015 and 2019.

Residential Developer of the Year – Low Income Housing Category, Ghana Business Standards Awards 2021. Residential Developer of the Year – Mass Housing Category, Ghana Business Standards Awards 2019. Real Estate Company of the Year, CENBA AFRICA Business Excellence Awards, 2019; 1st Runner-up, Mass Social Housing – Africa Property Investment Summit and Awards, 2017. These are just to mention a few.

The visionaire, founder and CEO, Dr. Bright Adom of the Adom Group of Companies-Adom City Estate, is not only interested in providing shelter but also the health of everyone. This is because the most luxurious house is nothing to an unsound body, soul and spirit. Long live all cancer survivors, long live all cancer patients, and long live Dr. Bright Adom. Stay tuned for the commissioning of Adom Medical Centre and more updates from Adom City Estate.