GPHA Takoradi launches Breast Cancer Awareness


The Ghana Ports and Harbours Authourity (GPHA) Takoradi, has launched Breast Cancer Awareness on the theme: ‘Early Detection and Treatment Saves Lives’.

The occasion attracted staff from GPHA and the Ghana Health Service, security agencies, women’s groups, among others.

Various speakers touched on early detection, shared breast cancer stories, processes involved in breast cancer treatment – such as chemo and radiation therapy among others – and were passionate on the need for women to examine their breast every month.

Dr. Emmanuel Atsu Dodor, Director of Clinical Head at the Ghana Health Service, explained that control of every cancer is early detection.

He said there is the need for individuals to modify their lifestyle, especially on healthy eating, and avoid excusive intake of alcohol and junk food.

“Breast cancer can happen to men as well but on a very low rate, and advised that awareness creation should be all-year-round across all the institutions,” he added.

Mrs. Sandra Opoku, Director of Port, Tema, mentioned that breast cancer is a pestilence, and treatment is very important to the health of the individual.

“Do not go and stay at the prayer camp, thinking that the breast cancer can be healed; seek medical care as soon as possible,” she advised.

Daphne Kemmeh, Deputy Director of the Western Regional Coordinating Council, noted that breast cancer is the second of all the cancers, and it is not easy to fight if not detected early.

She commended GPHA Takoradi for the breast cancer awareness, and hammered on the need for all to spread the message on early detection and seeking immediate medical attention.

Capt. Ebenezer Afadzi, Director of GPHA Takoradi, announced free breast screening and treatment for all.

Signs of breast cancer

These are lumps, redness or wrinkle on the breast, discharge from the nipples or sudden change in nipple colour, sudden change in breast size and shape, swollen lymph nodes, among others.

Common risk factors



Tobacco use

Radiation exposure

Family history of breast cancer

Prevention and screening

Mammograms and clinical breast examinations are the most common screening methods of breast cancer.

If you are under age 40, it is recommended that you ask health your provider for a clinical breast examination, as well as for instruction on how to perform monthly self-examinations.

If you are over the age of 40 or have multiple risk factors, a doctor may recommend a mammogram – taking an X-ray of the breast to look for cancer. Mammograms can help doctors diagnose breast cancer before symptoms like lumps or swelling occur.

Breast cancer is curable if it is detected early, and it is recommended that women aged 40 and above get a mammogram once a year.