GEXIM holds mental health talk for staff


As part of activities to mark this year’s World Mental Health Day, the Management of Ghana Export – Import Bank (GEXIM), on Monday October 10, 2022, held a mental health talk for staff at its Headquarters, Africa Trade House, in Accra.

The forum was organised in partnership with Green Creek Consult, a team of professionals driven to ensure their clients reap the benefits of prioritising the mental health of their work-force. The facilitator of the session was Dr. Nana Akua Dansoah Nuamah.

Deputy Chief Executive Officer responsible for Finance and Administration, Nana Akyaa Obeng-Adiyiah, tasked all organisations to ensure that the mental health state of their work-force is given utmost attention, and all the necessary policies and interventions are put in place to ensure that staff health state is maintained at all times.

“It is said that the good health of the staff of an organisation epitomises the health status of the organisation. In view of this, priority must be given to the mental health of the staff at their homes or offices, especially during challenging times. This is required of management not because it is the right thing to do and it equates to better business, but because it is management’s duty of care and legal responsibility,” she added.

The theme for this year’s World Mental Health Day is ‘Make Mental Health & Well-Being for All a Global Priority’. Around the world, the day is set aside for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against stigma. The overall objective of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world – including the work place, and to mobilise efforts in support of mental health.

Dr. Nana Akua Dansoah Nuamah, in her presentation, took the staff through tips for improving mental well-being, which includes getting adequate rest, exercising and staying active, attitude of gratitude, healthy diet, good social support, healthy coping mechanisms for stress and seeking professional help when needed.