Ebenezer Asumang launches two books – ‘Signature’ and ‘Entangled’


Business Management Consultant and prolific author Ebenezer Asumang has launched two books, titled: ‘Signature’ and ‘Entangled’, to educate both the corporate world on integrity and the youth about the impact of music on the lives.

Mr. Asumang, who already has five published books to his credit – with ‘Writerpreneur’ as the recent one – has become one of Ghana’s bestsellers whose works have gained status all over the country and across the continent.

‘Entangled’ explores the world of the Christian youth and the challenges they face with music, especially secular music. The book further teaches the youth the types of music followers of Christ are to surround themselves with, indicating that it must be Christ-like and an edifying one.

Mr. Asumang not only hopes to encourage the Christian youth through this book, but to also guide them and bring clarity to some questions that puzzle their young minds using rich scriptural references.

With ‘Signature’, the central theme is focused on integrity, and it throws more light on how necessary it is for individuals, especially within the corporate, to exhibit integrity in their line of duty and wherever they find themselves.

According to the author, one thing that has been missing at the various workplaces is integrity; therefore, he seeks to address it with his book.

“I mean, everywhere you pass, especially in the corporate environment, a lot of things happen that people don’t really care about, you know the consequences of it. I believe that, yes, integrity will come with its cost but in the long term, it will definitely benefit you. So basically, it’s about integrity, getting characters that live by integrity to prove to people that it is very possible to live a life of integrity,” he explained.

According to him, a lot of difficulties – such as writers block, work pressure and many others – served as hindrances to putting together the books, hence, causing the delay in the completion of the books.

“I experienced what is called the writer’s block. And a writer’s block simply means that when you start writing or working on something and it gets to a point that you virtually cannot do it again. You would realise that all the things that you want to bring together doesn’t work any longer. It was one of the major challenges that came about,” he said.

Mr. Asumang indicates that he has plans to translate the books into other languages and convert them into audio as well to help reach out to a large number of readers. He promised to continue to impact lives with more books.