Senior Lecturer calls on Bawumia to salvage economy


A Senior Lecturer with the University of Ghana Business School, Dr. Kofi Mensah, has called on the Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, to salvage Ghana’s sinking economy rather than the current pseudo campaign across the country.

The revered lecturer tabled six delicate questions seeking for answers from the Vice President at a time when Ghana’s economy is under serious challenges.

In a series of intellectual questions tabled by Dr. Kofi Mensah, the Senior Lecturer dared the Veep to paint the true state of Ghana’s economy. He also called on the Veep to answer the recent downgrade from Moody and other ranking institutions in the world.

The six itemised questions posted on his personal social media handles are:

“Dear Vice President,

I think it’s about time some of us began to question your commitment to the economic agenda you proudly paraded on your Bawumia Speaks platforms leading to the 2016 elections, which culminated into your now infamous nickname ‘the economic wizard’. This title, which was conferred on you by the President and perhaps, roundly applauded by the middle class of Ghana, contributed hugely to the campaign success of your party. Today, none of those economic frameworks and theories you propounded is working, and the majority of those who touted you as an ‘economic wizard’, including the President, I am sure, are surprised. I am particularly surprised about your loud silence. At least, Ghanaians deserve to hear from you on the way forward, but what we are getting is rather another round of campaigning, as if to say we are just a bunch of jokers in this country.

Firstly, I understand you were up-north, touring and surreptitiously campaigning at these crucial and difficult times of economic malaise instead of signalling to the people of Ghana how you and your team are solving the problems. Just as you posed some questions to the then Vice President, Kwesi Amissah–Arthur, of blessed memory and may Allah keep him warmly, I have a few questions of my own which I believe you should be far more capable of answering. Kindly attempt to answer all of the following questions, hoping that you will do so in about 48 hours. Please, you are allowed to open and refer to any book of your choice, including your notes from when you were campaigning in opposition leading to the 2016 elections.

1. What is the True state of the Ghanaian economy?

2. What is your take on Moody’s downgrade of the Ghanaian economy to junk status?

3. What is your Plan to get us out of our current economic misery?

4. Why are you now claiming to be inspecting Hospital projects – Agenda 111, instead of concentrating on the economic issues? Just recently, you left the economic issues for digitalisation, itself a fantastic area that I particularly adore but wasn’t part of your platform for which reason the majority of Ghanaians followed you. Now, you are inspecting Agenda 111 when you are not the Health Minister.

5. At a time when Ghanaians are suffering a high inflation rate, depreciation of our currency, threats of losing their bonds, and joblessness from the banking sector clean-up, are you not expected to observe a period of austerity? It is reported that in your agenda 111 tour, there are over 40 V8 vehicles with appointees. Is this the time to go about inspecting projects that are yet to commence with over forty Land Cruiser vehicles and ministers who are expected to sit and work?

6. Are you not campaigning instead of focusing on navigating us through our economic challenges in your capacity as a supposed ‘economic wizard’?

Mr. Vice President, just like many Ghanaians, I am very concerned for the livelihood of my family and so many others who depend on some of us. Please, I am looking forward to your response, hopefully in the next 48 hours upon receipt of this letter.

God save Ghana!” The statement reads.

The Vice President is currently touring the Northern belt of the country.