It is not the size but the content


a critical analysis of a typecast mindset

Many years ago, a friend introduced a life-changing book to me. His recommendation inspired me to enter the same bookstore to grab a copy of that book. Interestingly, it was a small book but with an ‘elephant’ price tag… hahaha. How? Why should such a small book cost that much? I reasoned as such. While contemplating on my next move, the salesgirl showed up and said: “Sir, it’s not about the size of the book but its content”. On that day, I understood the dynamics of wisdom; the content of the life we live is the potent force. In other words, the value of life is not in its length but the impact one makes. So, crave for excellence, quality and distinction.

Have you ever wondered why two companies marketing a similar product have two separate prices? Yes, the level of competence, the target group and the deep brains behind the product may be the reason. So, avoid excessive complaints, and focus on the content. Anyway, don’t be bothered about the size of the product but its durability and glamour.

A friend of mine developed an idea and sold it for quite a substantial amount of money to a multinational company. Incredibly, the whole concept was crafted on two sides of a sheet of paper. Wow! Only 2 pages…yes. The comment by an average person would be: “Why this huge amount for that small work?” The answer is simple. The deep-seated brains behind that massive effort qualify for that fat cheque.

So, it’s not about the size, but the content. Interestingly, the ideas crafted by this friend of mine, when implemented by the said company yielded huge marginal profit. It was an astronomical jump-start for this multinational company. Thus, it’s not the size but the content.

A few years ago, l visited the Sandton community in the province of Johannesburg, South Africa. A friend of mine took me to one shop to have a look at their products’ price tags. Wow!  They were ‘frightening’. However, in a similar shop in another province in Limpopo, the northern part of South Africa, the price tag on that same product was cheaper. I quietly said: “Of course, men are in sizes but life is in phases. So, it’s about the content, the brand and the target group”.

What is the point? In this life, you have to carve a niche for yourself. You have to improve upon yourself so much that no one takes you for granted. You have to be excellent at what you do so that, like King Solomon, people like the Queen of Sheba would travel from her coast to learn from your exploits. What I mean is, your accomplishments will attract the attention of global luminaries.

Avoid short-cuts, and stretch beyond your comfort zone. People who always want cheap services end up having challenges in their pursuits.  Inside of you are potentials, gifts, talents and abilities. Don’t sit on them. Develop every gift you have and take it to another level of excellence. Remember, it is your content or value that will open greater doors for you in the corridors of power.

Until your exposure, keep on learning, serving and practising till those skills become a global need. On the high sea, those who use cheap means to an end always crush their boat. So, go deeper in your search and one day, you shall discover a diamond field.

Don’t focus on premature exposure or any quack lifestyle, but an authentic one based on proper training for global exploits.

So, the next time you find a book on the shelf with a rich content, don’t allow the price tag to scare you. Remember, it’s not the size of the book but the content or its value in your life.

Grab copies of the writer’s books from Kingdom Bookshop, KNUST, Kumasi and in Accra. Contact: Mrs. Justina Asempa (Phoenix Insurance, Ringway Estates, Osu) on 0244 20 88 43 and Pastor Stephen Gyamfi (ICGC, Asylum Down, 054 679 7323). In Obuasi, contact: Sammy on 024 77 3 78 11.

The writer is an Academic, Visiting Lecturer, Leadership Consultant and a Reverend Minister with the WordSprings City Church, Kumasi-Ghana.

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