Imaby Homes honored

Imaby Homes honored

Imaby Homes, a fast-growing real-estate division under the Abuya Group of Companies dedicated to partnering with people to build their dream homes, has won another two awards – adding to its growing list of laurels – at the 6th edition of the FortyUnder40 awards held at the weekend in Accra.

Abuya Group of Companies grabbed the People’s Choice Award and Architecture Award in recognition of dedication and commitment to building the real-estate industry, as well as a phenomenal contribution to growth of the real estate industry in Ghana.

The Abuya Group provides services to both corporate and private clients in the fields of road construction, architectural design and building contracts, cleaning services, facility management, and real-estate development.

The 40Under40 awards scheme identifies, honours and celebrates a cross-section of Ghana’s most influential and accomplished young business leaders under the age of 40 from a wide range of businesses and industries. It is committed to business growth, professional excellence and community service.

Speaking in an interview with media after the events, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Abuya Group, Iddrisu Aminu, stated that he is highly elated that Abuya Group and Imaby Home have been recognised with two of the most coveted and credible awards; saying it is a testimony that Ghanaians believe in the prospects of indigenous Ghanaian businesses.

He reiterated the need for Ghanaians to patronise and believe in their contractors to help create employment among Ghanaians, especially the teeming unemployed youth.
According to him, over-dependence on foreign contractors and neglecting local contractors is not the best way to go, as this has a tendency to affecting the economy seriously not to grow – adding that the more companies of Ghanaian origin get recognised, the bigger the boost of the Ghanaian economy.

“These awards are a great acknowledgment of Abuya Group’s track-record of excellence and its contribution to Ghana’s economic growth. We hold these awards in high regard and they will serve as a constant reminder for us to continue providing value for all our clients and positively impact our nation,” he added.

Mr. Iddrisu was of the view that the two prestigious awards he won have thrown a challenge to him and his company in the real-estate industry – to be more focused and make sure the company is aiming at the quality it desires, adding that there are a lot of competitors in the real-estate industry so there is a need for Abuya Group to maintain its quality and luxurious products, and not dilute what the company stands for.
Commenting on challenges facing the industry, he expressed worry over the rapid and escalating cost of building materials and land acquisition-dispute challenges in some parts of the country – and pleaded with government to partner with developers on different levels to ensure housing is affordable to all and sundry.

Attributing the high cost of housing in Ghana to raw materials, Mr. Idrissu lamented that the real-estate industry is faced with a lot of challenges due to the unstable prices of building inputs.

“The rising cost of cement, iron rods, fuel and other building materials poses the greatest challenge to our affordable housing delivery in the country,” Mr. Idrissu noted.
He therefore urged industry players to stay focused and make sure they deliver quality products so the public gets value for their money