Poetry Corner: A Thunderous Fall


Not many days after a Prime transition

On the British Isles

From Boris to Liz

Under Queen Liz

Not many days after a Prime installation

At a Downing Street

Of Premier Liz

By Queen Liz

A day there was when an Imperial Queen

Answered the final call


A thunderous fall!


…one day there is

A great day meant for a call

A great call meant for a great one to fall


In a reign of unequalled durability

As a symbol of unbroken stability

She passed on a baton

A baton passed on from Johnson

She entrusted Truss with a crown

A crown held down by Johnson

As she trusted she would live on

One day more

To pass on another baton?


…one day there is

A great day meant for a fall

A great fall meant for one standing tall


Many days before

From the days of yore

To the days we know of

In the year of our Lord

We knew she will be there

Always there


Of a thunderous fall

We never dreamed at all

Of a thunderous fall

It never ran to our call

Until the day she answered the final call!


…one day there is

A great day meant for a call

A great call for a great one to fall


Sitting on a throne on a high pedestal

Aiming high to fly

As a Monarch surveying all

At her beck and call

Standing on cloud nine

On a scale of nine

Dreaming to fly high

As a Monarch never ceasing in conquest

Gazing day and night beyond the sky

Living to better her best

But ceasing once only

To sleep in Westminster Abbey!


…one day there is

A great day meant for a deep sleep

A deep sleep for great ones to weep


Many days he bided his time to be King

Many days he feared never to be King

Many days flew past with graying wings

Many days waltzed past with no tunes to sing

Many days tolled with no bells to ring

Many days ending just as in the beginning?


…a great leap in a blinking

From a Prince to a King

In a twinkling