MINDSET with Gambrah Sampeney Kwabena Adjei: Reminisce


Reminisce is to indulge in enjoyable recollections of past events.

AS I watched Reminiscence, a science fiction movie with Hugh Jackman as the lead cast, I just couldn’t help but appreciate what a joy it is to realise that finally, metaverse and holographic ideas have been merged to create such dreams, which previously were seen to be impossible. Reminiscence is all about helping people relive their favourite memories.

This Reminiscence science fiction movie simply shows the extent and the limitless potential of the Dream application.

Interestingly, a dream application has been developed to help human beings linger on their dreams throughout the day after sleeping. The Dream app has the ability to make you remember what you dreamt about. It works by setting a particular function on your mobile phone in accordance with the Dream app.

This Dream app has just been unveiled in Scotland.

If dreams can now be captured on a mobile phone, what now prevents you from thinking whatever you are dreaming of can be possible?

The dreams you are having are needed greatly by the world. These dreams are what can change our world – our world is suffering because you are afraid of the crazy names you will be called when you start talking about your dreams.

If nobody is telling you about how crazy you are on some recurrent pattern of an activity, then I kindly suggest you are the reason why the world is missing out on good things like your dreams.

No matter how beautiful an environment is, how beautiful a gadget like a mobile phone is, how beautiful a house is, how beautiful a car is, how beautiful a dress is, it is nothing more than a dream by someone.

Your dream can take shape right from yourself, first. For example, if your dream is becoming a speaker in the world to eradicate a particular vice, start by speaking to anyone close by; even if they tell you how ridiculous you sound, crazy or childish you are, never ever stop! Keep doing it because your dream can only be made real when you keep talking about it.

Your dream is not a coincidence; it is who you are. You should pursue it!

For example, if your dream is to be a writer and everyone thinks your write-ups are not good enough, please don’t stop writing, keep doing it because your dream can only be made real when you keep writing.

For all you might know, your dream to speak, write, sing, cook, paint, draw, act, and so on, is what someone needs to change his or her life circumstances.


Martin Luther King Jnr. had a dream, Kwame Nkrumah had a dream, Nelson Mandela had a dream, Kofi Annan had a dream, Mahatma Gandhi had a dream, and Steve Jobs had a dream.

Everything you see now with your eyes, was nothing but a dream.

Everything you hear now with your ears, was nothing but a dream.

Everything you touch now with your body, was nothing but a dream.

Everything you taste now with your tongue, was nothing but a dream.

Everything you smell now with your nose, was nothing but a dream.

All dreams start with nothing, yet are everything.

There is a dream within you, please don’t let it fizzle out. Put it on paper, put it on phones, put it on Facebook, put it in tweets, and put it on the world.

Believing in your dreams will turn this world into a new earth and a new heaven.

Think about it!