Nigeria wins ONGA ‘All African Jollof Cooking Competition’

  • as ONGA  promotes youth empowerment & innovation

Participating Nigerian youth group at the International Youth Diplomacy Conference (IYDC) 2022 has emerged winners of the ONGA ‘All African Jollof Cooking Competition’ held as part of the youth leadership and innovation conference.

The buzz about which country makes the best jollof rice between Ghana and Nigeria among other West African countries has been ongoing for almost a decade, and to bring a closure to the debate at the youth level, the Culinary brand, ONGA – a subsidiary of Promassidor Ghana, sponsored an ‘All African Jollof Cooking Competition’ as part of the International Youth Diplomacy Conference (IYDC).

The IYDC, organised by IFED Global at the Unievrsity of Ghana, Legon campus and competition hosted at the Palma Hotel, Spintex, brought together many African youths to deliberate on how best they can contribute to leadership on the continent.

ONGA, through its flavor-filled blend of herbs and spices and stock seasoning products which guarantee a superior taste and aroma while delivering nutritious quality, brought the ‘Jollof battle’ to an end as Nigeria emerged Winners of the Competition with their perfect finishing in good time and mouth-watering tasty dish.

The event, dubbed: ‘All African Jollof Cooking Competition’, saw a stiff competition between five African countries, namely: Ghana, The Gambia, Seirra Leaone, Nigeria, and Liberia who battled it out for the Jollof trophy. Jollof rice is a staple food which is common in all these West African countries.

This was amid entertaining music in the background with delegates dancing and cheering on their country or sub-African regional representatives.

Criteria set out for the judgement of the competition included speed, innoation, teamwork, presentation and of course, taste as the overall determinant. Judges for the contest were inite guests from non-Jollof cooking African countries to give a neutral and fair grounds for judgement. The winners were presented with branded souvenirs and products from ONGA Ghana.

The conference has, over the years, empowered and developed many youth from across the continent, and has witnessed the presence of so many great personalities within the continent as well.

In 2022, the event was attended by several hundreds of youth delegates from various African countries including Ghana, Nigeria, Gambia, Ethiopia, Liberia, South Africa, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, South Sudan, Somaliland, Zimbabwe; and hosted great public personalities such as Professor Stephen Adei,  Hon. Ing. Kwabena A. Agyepong, among others.

These personalities imparted highly and extensively unto the youth the various experiences, knowledge and skills they have garnered throughout their stages of progress in life and fields of study to their current stages of life, and they have helped the youth regain the beauty of their almost shedding scales and set them upon the path of superior progress.

The delegates were nutritionally and hygienically sustained with healthy dairy-based supplements from Cowbell – one of the brands of Promassidor Ghana Limited – as the cooking competition was ongoing.

Promassidor Ghana also has great interest in developing and preparing the youth for the greater benefit and attainment of a successful and progressive future in addition to providing nutritious and healthy food supplements to the youth which help boost their physical strength, emotional well-being, and cognitive ability.