Sarfoa Foundation opens refurbished ‘smart lab’ at borstal home


Benedicta Sarfoa Asamoah, winner of Ghana’s Most Beautiful 2021 – who goes by the stage name Sarfoa, as part of her Prison Reform Project has opened a refurbished computer laboratory at the senior correction centre in Accra.

The facility’s refurbishment was done in partnership with Coral Reef and Good Causes Foundation of the National Lottery Authority (NLA), which provided some 20 tablets to enhance teaching and learning at the facility.

Speaking at an event to unveil the facility, Sarfoa noted that this project will go a long way to tap the relegated potentials in the young boys who have been confined in the correctional centre.

“We strongly believe that with good education we will be able to bring creative, innovative and ingenious ideas – especially at a highly reduced inequality. This is the time we speak to the world and the country and inform them that enough of the relegated potentials that are untapped in the society.

Today, we are here to send this message across that we believe in the children here; and by doing so we want to fully equip them. We want them to come out with innovative ideas so that they can be empowered, and therefore we are creating a very conducive environment to facilitate effective teaching and learning,” she said.

Deputy Kenyan Ambassador to Ghana, Samson Koech, commended Sarfoa for the kind gesture; adding that this project will go a long way to benefit the inmates after they have served their terms.

“We are very glad and want to commend you for renovating the lab in this institution. You are equipping them with knowledge in ICT skills which will be very much important in their lives as they move out from this correctional facility and join the society, and will help them fit in,” he said.

Director of Prisons in Charge of Health, DCOP Adjei-Attah, expressed hope that the ‘smart lab’ will enhance and equip the inmates for life outside prison.

“The ICT facility will widen and enhance the skills and knowledge of the inmates, and further prepare them for this technology era. It is our hope that they will take advantage of the numerous opportunities available while they are here to equip themselves with the skills needed and fit into society and live meaningful lives when they are discharged.”

He further urged staff of the senior correctional centre to ensure the lab and its facilities are used for the intended purpose.

“We want to thank Sarfoa and partners for the wonderful work done. The prison service is eternally grateful for your accomplishment. We want to promise you that we are going to take good care of this facility. I urge the staff here to use this facility for the purpose for which it was refurbished,” he added.