Over 300 people benefit from ASA Savings and Loans health screening


Over 300 people have benefitted from ASA Savings and Loans Limited (Inchaban Business Centre) under Anaji Area in the Western Division health screening exercise.

An amount close to GH¢5,000 was spent on screening and testing in the areas of malaria, Hepatitis B, blood pressure, sugar level, among others.

Mrs. Helena Gaisie, Head of the Medical Team, mentioned that the most occurring diseases after the screening were high blood pressure and malaria.

“Those with high blood pressure were counselled on the disease and what they can do to stop or minimise its effect. They were advised to reduce the intake of sugar, salt and alcohol, as well as exercise regularly and get enough rest,” she said.

On malaria, she advised them to keep their surrounding clean and sleep in insecticide treated net always.

Also, she said others were given medication, while those with special cases were referred to hospitals close by.

Mr. Michael Owusu Ninchie, Branch Manager of the Business Centre, explained that the health screening is part of the company’s corporate social responsibility.

“We organise this screening exercise regularly for our clients and communities in which we operate. The goal is to inform and educate these people on their health status, and offer substantial assistance to help to ensure they are fit to go about their duties effectively,” he added.

Anaji Area Manager of the company, Mr. Samuel Odoom added that the gesture is also to help the needy to know their status.

He urged the private sector to make conscious effort to meet the needs of the people in their catchment area.

Madam Gertrude Cobinnah, a client of the company was grateful to the company for embarking on such programme.