CHLiF-GH ends free health screening and sensitisation on liver diseases

Collins Healthy Liver Foundation (CHLiF-Gh) has successfully brought to an end a one-day free liver campaign organised to raise awareness, promote good liver health and other related diseases focusing on Hepatitis B.

Collins Healthy Liver Foundation (CHLiF-Gh) has successfully brought to an end a one-day free liver campaign organised to raise awareness, promote good liver health and other related diseases focusing on Hepatitis B.

The campaign, which came off at the Tepa Senior High School in the Ashanti Region, also offered practical advice on how the student community and the general public can reduce risk factors.

A team of medical personnel took the pain to examine participants on their Hepatitis B status, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, as well as Body Mass Index (BMI).

Founder of CHLiF-GH, Francisca Kusiwaa Yeboah, in narrating why the initiative is important, told a story on the pain and suffering her father had to endure before his death, and the heart-wrenching experience of the loved ones he left behind.

She noted that the initiative is to prevent others from suffering the same ordeal.

“Two years ago, we watched our father experience a painful and swift health and physical deterioration due to late diagnosis of Hepatitis B. When the doctors realised our father’s persistent stomach ache was due to liver failure, it was unfortunately too late to save that important organ. He is no more. He left, along with the many hopes and dreams of the very people that looked up to him, sadly to return no more,” she said.

“We believe that irrespective of their busy schedule, no one should ever be in the dark when it comes to their health,” she added.

The students and staff members of the school received a presentation on the causes, symptoms and treatment of the Hepatitis B virus.

Participants of the free health screening received a one-on-one counselling on the outcome of their results by the organisation’s most experienced health personnel.

Out of 431 participants, 416 were students and 15 representing staff members.

Mrs. Kusiwaaa Yeboah revealed that students who tested positive for the Hepatitis B will be treated with utmost care to ensure they get back to normalcy.

“Good news is, the sole goal of CHliF-Gh is to provide awareness and support patients where necessary.

With the help of the medical team, they will be referred to their most proximate hospitals to conduct Hepatitis B profile test, which will give a clearer picture of their status, and CHliF-Gh is poised to follow through on these students,” she said.

CHLiF-GH is an organisation committed to liver-related diseases mitigation and prevention.