Wheel of Life Series with Lady Sam: The meaning of being positive

Wheel of life Series with  Lady Sam: Make an impact

It can be easy to tell someone to remain positive but in reality this is not always easy – especially during this period that we find ourselves globally. Although we do need to be updated with what is happening in the world, the truth is that sometimes it can overwhelming – which can leave one to feel not so positive. As a customer service trainer, I come up with various methods and even acronym’s to drive the customer service message home. I have come up with an acronym for the word ‘positive’, which illustrates the steps one must go through in order to remain in that state. Find the exciting steps below;

P is for PRAYERFUL. Invite your maker daily into your life. This should lead you into the right path, and give you a sense of peace.

O is for OPTIMISTIC. You must be hopeful and confident of your future. Even if you experience a setback, be hopeful that better days are coming.

S is for SMILE. They say that when you smile, the whole world smiles back at you.

I is for INTENTIONAL. Really be clear about what you are trying to achieve, it is best to always have the end goal in mind. Be clear about what you want and then pursue it.

T is for TENACIOUS. Keep pushing for what you believe in and do not let go. Even the Bible says that you should ‘Resist the devil and he shall flee.’ That’s what it says in James 4:7.

I is for INSISTENT. We can’t say it enough – do not stop pushing until you manifest what you are pursuing for. Be persistent and insistent in pursuing your objective. This is key, especially when things seem to be going helter skelter – you must remain resolute. Tough times do not last but tough people do.

V is for VIVACIOUS. Remember each day you are given is a blessing. You have life, celebrate, just be happy, just live!

E is for ENCOURAGE. Encourage others because we all need to be uplifted now and again; but most importantly learn how to encourage yourself.

I hope that these simple steps help you to keep in that positive, something that we all need right now.