CIMG rewards outstanding candidates in maiden PMQ examinations


The Chartered Institute of Marketing, Ghana (CIMG) has honoured outstanding candidates from its maiden Professional Marketing Qualifications (PMQ) examinations. The recognition ceremony was held at the Golden Tulip Hotel in a glamorous event that crowned the 32nd CIMG Annual General Meeting (AGM) held at the same venue.

These outstanding candidates, who have worked tirelessly and diligently to attain professional marketing qualifications, were recognised for three reasons; performance in single subjects, completion of specific Pathways (course levels) and for emerging overall best students at the various pathways. In all, 13 candidates were rewarded for excellence.

In his opening statement, the Consulting Director of Education, Adam Sulley referred to this success as “the icing on the cake” for the deserving candidates after a long journey of preparing for the maiden exams.

Mr. Sulley said: “I think this is the time for corporate organisations to pay attention to these products we are presenting today. It is good to engage their services and assign them specific roles within the marketing departments of organisations, according to their areas of expertise, as each of them has demonstrated their abilities and capabilities to execute marketing tasks professionally. By the time they complete the course in its entirety, they would be all-round professional Marketers with hands-on experience and ready to help build resilient product and corporate brands.”

The candidates received certificates and different book prizes from EPP Book Services who supported with marketing books for the various subject areas that the honourees excelled in.

For Pathway 3, the emerging overall best student honours was received by Dr. Bright Kyei Wiredu, a qualified medical Doctor who excitedly said: “acquiring the professional marketing qualification is a pivot for the success of my entrepreneurial ambitions and future endeavours and I would stay focused to ensure that I qualify as a professional Marketer very soon.”

Dr. Wiredu also emerged as the best student in Selling and Sales Management and for successfully completing Pathway 3. He thus received three awards in all.

The most coveted honouree of the evening was Mr. Daniel Nomo, who swept five honours and a plethora of book prizes from EPP Book Services. He emerged as the best student in Strategic Marketing Management, Integrated Marketing Communications, Strategic Marketing in Practice, overall best student in Pathway 5 and for successfully completing Pathway 5 also.

CIMG rewards outstanding candidates in maiden PMQ examinations

Mr. Nomo expressed his excitement at the accolades he has managed to receive since he enrolled on the PMQ. He indicated that: “It is a happy moment obviously with this being the maiden exams. I am excited and honoured to receive these five prizes and, most importantly, the recognition, especially with marketing and HR managers from industry present at this ceremony watching us. The training was insightful and added to my confidence level,” he concluded.

With the experience of the CIMG PMQ, Mr. Nomo is optimistic of the future and looking forward to playing key roles in corporate strategy formulation and execution, roles that he believes are missing in most organisations.

The next batch of candidates began the June examinations from Monday, June 27, 2022, the first for the year 2022, and second ever examinations conducted by the CIMG.

The evening also witnessed the award of the Professional Marketer (ProM) Qualification to holders of the Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing (DipM) from the Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK and other analogous qualifications from marketing institutions recognised by the CIMG.

By receiving this qualification, the awardees have been conferred and hence are eligible to use, the designation ProM, CIMG’s Professional Marketing Certificate, which qualifies holders to practice the marketing profession as individuals or start professional marketing consulting firms, depending on the number of years, post-qualification.