Academic Diary: Classroom Management – are you effective at running your class?

Academic Diary with Dzifa: The psychology of learning – what is your strategy?


  • Effective classroom management is not simply about keeping everyone in their seats and quiet
  • Good classroom management is built on cordial relationships with learners, encouraging them to take part in their own learning, and sharing a part of yourself
  • A classroom culture that is good for learners rubs on the happiness of the facilitator

Picture this! In a class of about 25 learners, a facilitator stands, making all efforts to discuss a topic. Yet, the class is thrown into a fog of war and the facilitator himself is in a dilemma. How does he get the class under control and continue to discuss his topic to the benefit of all his learners?

Running the classroom under the smooth management of the class facilitator comes naturally to some, while others have to struggle to sail through the tedious task of managing the class and staying focus to still carry on with the days planned activities.

How does a facilitator keep a class size of 25 learners engaged, interested and focused on each activity throughout the school hours?

Every facilitator is unique based on their personality, behaviour and teaching style. However, classroom management skills improves with experience and here are some practical steps that can be taken to improve upon this much needed skill by all facilitators:

Set the Tone for the day

At the beginning of each class, it would be good to leave your desk and greet your learners at the door. Welcome them with a warm smile and ask simple questions that will make you access or determine their mood. You can say something like; “you are welcome, it is great to you.” Welcoming kids sets a positive tone before class even begins.

Start your period right away

Do not wait for too long after the bell rings for start lesson. Start right away. You can coin a slogan and share it with your learners. In that case, the sound of the slogan will mean; to stay alert for lesson to start. You can also be consistent with an action that shows that lesson is about to start. For instance, you can shut the classroom door once all your learners are in and have had the time to settle down.

You do not want to loss the prime time of teaching to other distractions by your learners. Taking too long to start a lesson is like giving room to distractions. If you think you have a class maintenance to handle. it will be beneficial to hold on until later in your period.

Set clear rules for routine issues

Set clear protocols for classroom routines and routine issues. Let your learners know how to for example, borrow a pen or book without distracting the class. You can also teach them when it is appropriate to do a late submission of their home works. Have a schedule time to use the washroom or let your learners know how to go to the washroom without interrupting an ongoing lesson or period.

You definitely do not want your instructional hours to be interrupted by daily routine issues. If the rules are clear, your learners do not need to interrupt instructional hours with permissions and questions because the whole class are aware of the rules.

Have a lesson plan

As a facilitator, you can never go wrong with a well-structured lesson plan. Plan your lessons for each day and make your learners aware of what they are about to learn, in order to arouse and sustain their interest. Keep all your learning resources at an arm’s length. This may include, markers, dusters, pens, rulers, videos and charts. Have it in mind that a well-planned lesson is more effective and interesting.

Involve Your learners

To have the attention and interest of your learners, it will be good to involve them. No matter how enthusiastic you are about the subject or topic you are treating, do well to involve your learners. Do not do all the talking, encourage your learners to participate. Ask interesting questions that will make your learners think and value their contribution when they share them.

Show your learners respect

Show by your actions that you respect your learners. Understand that learners are expected to make mistakes and so when they do, handle it with respect. Appreciate the hard work learners put forth. When assessing them, walk in between the rows and praise individual efforts without comparison or abuses. This practice will put all learners at ease because they will find the classroom to be a safe and pleasant place to be and they will easily collaborate with you anytime of the day.

In showing respect, be fair to all the learners in your class and do not play favorites when you have to give discipline. Be their role model in showing good behaviour. This will help you keep trust with your learners.


Good classroom managers or facilitators, do not focus on themselves and expect learners to play strictly by their rules, rather, they focus on building a cordial learner-facilitator relationship based on respect and trust.