GIPS workshop on specifications writing and bill of quantity slated for May 25

Ghana Institute of Procurement and Supply (GIPS)

The Ghana Institute of Procurement and Supply (GIPS) is organising a capacity building workshop on writing of specifications and bill of quantity for members and the business community.

The three-day workshop, on the theme: ‘Effective Development and Writing of Specifications and Bill of Quantity’ comes off from Wednesday, May 25 to Friday, May 27, at the Coconut Grove Regency Hotel in Accra.

The strategic training programme has been designed to enhance the capacity and knowledge of both public and private procurement and supply professionals and practitioners in the writing of specifications and bill of quantity.

It is also a continuous professional development training which will accrue credit hours for associate members (AGIPS) who will attend as part of their programme of study to be upgraded to full membership (MGIPS).

Courses to be covered under the three-day training will include: Definitions and Types of Specifications; Development of Specification Process; Practical Writing of Specifications for Various Items; Elements of Bill of Quantities or Technical drawings; and Review of Technical Specifications Prepared by Specialists.

Other topics are: Understanding of Goods in Works Specifications/BoQ; Using Specification as a Cost-Saving Tool; The Role of Procurement Specialists in the Development and Writing of Specifications; Stakeholder Engagement and Management; and case studies.

The workshop will be facilitated by procurement and architectural professionals with in-depth knowledge and expertise in the writing of specifications and bill of quantity.

The Ghana Institute of Procurement and Supply is a central organisation for professionals, practitioners and students of the procurement and supply chain profession in Ghana.

It is dedicated to promoting high standard of integrity and probity in respect of the procurement and supply chain practice through the provision of a wide range of services which are beneficial to both members and the business community.