Planning for a fulfilled life: Learn to set your right priorities (I)

Leadership is a skill

God has good plans for us. In fact, He has great plans for our entire life – family, finance, health, academic, career and our relationship with Him. Incredibly, His plan is to give us an expected end. The book of Jeremiah confirms it: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”  Jeremiah 29:11 (English Standard Version)

Though the text, exegetically, refers to God’s plan for ancient Israel, that prophetic statement through God’s spokesperson, Jeremiah, is still applicable to our present-day life’s choices. Furthermore, the text under review (Jeremiah 29:11) exposes the role of God towards man’s development and the latter’s role in actualizing God’s plan into manifestation.

The latter’s role is not to solely squat and expect manna from heaven. On the contrary, He has a responsibility to plan in making him enjoy the fullness of God’s blessing. That is where the practice of meticulous step by step setting of goals comes to the fore.

No matter how intelligent we are in leading others to achieve a common goal, our output may be insignificant if we do not lead an orderly lifestyle. The problem with most people is that they are disorganized in their thoughts and with their time. They have no agenda for their families’ well-being, their corporate organization’s safety and the progress of their health, and their itinerary.

Because they have no planned timetable, they have other time-wasters (friends) who know how to exacerbate the remaining unplanned schedule. The simple reason for this disorderliness is because most people do not set their priorities right. Until we set precise precedence for our lives, our entire big dream will never be accomplished.

There is therefore the need to make arrangements in order of importance. According to the Active Study Dictionary, priorities are ‘‘things that need attention, consideration and service.” Priorities then are the ‘pre-decisions’ we make to decide in advance what we will give ourselves to. One writer says that ‘when we set priorities or precedence, we are literally writing history in advance.’

In addition, priorities become a hook to help differentiate chance from distraction. When you set your priorities in advance, it reduces the pressure you feel when you need to make decisions.  So, in this article, there are five areas, I would like us to focus our attention on in making us enjoy a good life.

These are our relationship with our Maker, our relationship with our spouse, our relationship with our children, our relationship with our finance, and finally, our relationship with our health. In my opinion, these are the five major areas one must devote their time, energy and resources in order to enjoy a fulfilled life.

For lack of space, I would like to start with two of them today, and in the subsequent articles, we make time to discuss the rest of them. Today, let’s start with two areas: our relationship with our Maker (Supreme Being), and our relationship with our spouse:

  1. Your Relationship with the Supreme Being

There are seven relevant questions one must ask when it comes to a prioritized way of life. These are:

  • Who is the Master of my life?
  • What am I here on earth for?
  • Who am I?
  • Where am I?
  • Where will I be spending eternity?
  • How do I get there?
  • What will I be remembered for?

These thought–provoking questions all help you believe that there is a Supreme Being somewhere who demands fellowship or relationship with His creatures. I know it is very difficult for some people to believe in the existence of God. “If He really exists, why is it that I do not personally is see Him?” declares an atheist. But analyze this simple statement: One does not see the wind blowing but rather feels it when it blows. In simple terms, one does not see God but His handiworks (the sky, earth, sea, etc.) all prove His existence. The existence of an effect indicates the existence of its cause. This raises the question “how did it come into being?” Something or someone must have caused it to come into existence, thus you must recognize that there is a cause behind the world itself and the universe around it.

In fact, all things must be traced to a first cause, which is God, the Creator. Not only does the universe of worlds exist, but it has a perfect design. Its elements indicate a purpose for their role and they exist in harmony with one another. Design proves the existence of a designer. Purpose in creation reveals and argues purposeful creatorship. Could there be: a building without a builder? A universe without a controller? An orderly creation without a creator? An intelligent order without a mind? Laws without a lawmaker? The argument from design and purpose proves the existence of an infinitely intelligent being greater than the universe.

Atheists who do not believe in the existence of God attribute the existence of everything including living organisms on the surface of the earth to nature. This point of view is totally puerile because nothing exists if it is not made. The entire universe did not appear by itself. Indeed, someone spoke a Word which carried creative ability and the whole world came into existence. That personality is the Supreme God.

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Genesis 1:1).

This portion of the Scriptures shows that God already existed before the heaven and the earth were created. The phrase, ‘In the beginning’ suggests that before ‘beginning’ came into existence, God was already present. In fact, as you are reading this book, He is right beside you desiring a deeper relationship. The choice is now yours to open your heart for His Spirit to take siege of your life. Are you ready?

One French philosopher-cum-statesman, Blaise Pascal once said “Within every human heart, there is a God-shaped vacuum.” Perhaps as you read this article, you feel an acute hunger and wonder what it takes to acknowledge and build a stronger relationship with God. The answer is very simple – believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved from eternal condemnation.

I personally do not blame those who find it difficult to believe in Jesus Christ since they are used to getting things the hard way. Again, they are entitled to their own opinions. So, it just does not make sense to believe in someone and be saved. But I assure you that this is all you need to do, for, He finished everything on the cross. It often gets to a point in life where your status-building, wealth creation, high academic laurel, fame and all the things you crave for do not give you joy but only temporary happiness.

Nicodemus in John 3:1-21 had a similar encounter. As a Pharisee and teacher of the Law of Moses, he thought he did not need any spiritual encounter with truth until one day, when he realized that he was treading on the wrong path. He was a successful man in terms of his position in the Synagogue but on the other hand he was spiritually bankrupt. One night, it occurred to him that his religious acts could not save his soul but a real encounter with Jesus Christ would be the answer to his self-righteousness. This is exactly the picture and mindset of some successful business people. Some of them do not have any relationship with the only wise God because all they have depend on their perfect managerial skills.

They believe that whatever they do and can do is by their own strength. Some believe that it is only by their wise planning that they have been able to make it in life. The God factor is totally out of their priority in life. Friend, do not hoodwink or deceive yourself into not getting in terms with reality. You may have facts to prove your ignorance but the reality is that you are spiritually dead and you definitely need the Spirit of God to brood over your life. Nicodemus made that effort and that night his degenerated spirit-man was regenerated. Let God have a way in your life if you want to really enjoy a fulfilled life.

  1. Your Relationship with Your Spouse

Marriage is such an important institution mandated by God for reasons such as friendship, security, procreation, sexual satisfaction among others. God has wired both man and woman with leadership responsibilities but men have a higher responsibility. When both parties identify their roles effectively, the high rate of divorce will decrease. A man therefore has a greater responsibility of ensuring peace in the house. After service to God, the second most important responsibility is a man’s love and care for his spouse. Though man needs to work hard in taking care of his family, his work schedules should not supersede his responsibilities as a husband.

Every responsible and busy husband needs to make quality time for his family. Do you know that all that your spouse needs from you is your maximum attention? Sometimes she may not be so much interested in material possession but a shoulder to lean on, a little ear to listen to her feelings and of course, a little time to help solve a problem. Women are creatures of words whilst men are creatures of sight. It means that men are moved by the sight of women, whiles their fellow counterparts get stirred up with sweet words.

In my candid opinion, every man must know how to handle issues in the house. That is carefully learning the skill of talking to their spouse in a soft tone. Your wife may need a word of encouragement, prayer support and care. The height at which every successful man can attain depends on the strong bone (woman) beside him. In addition, it is said that it takes a greater woman to make a great man. That is the reason why I ask married women to be extra wise, humble, respectful and patient in dealing with their husbands.

When a wife respects her husband, love freely flows from the heart of the man to the woman. Where there is love and respect in any healthy relationship; there is peace. However, where there is pride, dishonesty, secrecy and unfaithfulness on the part of a wife, an embittered husband quietly withdraws from such a strange character. A faithful and respectful wife is the pride of her husband.

It’s therefore in this reverential mood that a man can humbly receive counselling from his wife pertaining to an issue bothering his mind. Friend, one word from the mouth of a godly and humble wife can change your entire life. A friend of mine entered into a business contract with an unknown person online. He was to transfer an amount of money into this partner’s account. On discussing the deal with the wife, this friend realized he has made a big fool of himself. As a matter of fact, this friend of mine had not fully analyzed the details of this business contract but was only thinking of the intended profit. Had it not been the timely counsel from his wife, he would have lost thousands of dollars to a fraudster.

If men are to value the gift God has given them, the rate of divorce in our society will dwindle. That is the reason why I encourage young men to patiently wait on God in choosing the right partner. Do you know that most people put on pretentious attitudes when looking for a particular partner? Oh yes, most do and when their ‘dreams’ are fulfilled they unveil the real monster in them. You must be extra vigilant especially if you are single and trusting God for a life partner. That notwithstanding, there is no perfect partner on this earth but a person you cannot tolerate or handle him/her whiles courting may not be your life partner.


Life can be more fulfilling if our focus on our relationship with our Maker is rightly set. Yes, there is nothing as fulfilling as having inner peace with your Maker. Furthermore, never ever forget that aside your relationship with your Maker, as a married person, you have a responsibility of developing an intimacy with your spouse in order to enjoy marital bliss. Put the two in the right perspective and make your life better.

The writer is an Academic, Visiting Lecturer, Leadership Consultant and a Reverend Minister with the WordSprings City Church, Kumasi-Ghana. This article is an extract from the writer’s book, Yes, You Can Make It!

Grab your copy of this book (YES, YOU CAN MAKE IT!) from Kingdom Bookshop, KNUST, Kumasi and in Accra, contact: Mrs. Justina Asempa (Phoenix Insurance, Ringway Estates, Osu) on 0244 20 88 43 and Pastor Stephen Gyamfi (ICGC, Asylum Down, 054 679 7323). In Sunyani, contact: Miriam on 054 929 89 16.

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  1. Owusu, P. (2016). The Leading Edge, Kumasi: Streams Publishing House, pp. 277-316.
  2. Owusu, P. (2021). Yes, You Can Make It!, Kumasi: Streams Publishing House, p.22.