Cultivate more gardens to protect earth and health – Ghana Garden And Flower Movement

Cultivate more gardens to protect earth and health - Ghana Garden And Flower Movement

Today marks World Health Day which is under the theme: ‘Our planet our health’.  The theme focuses on channelling global attention on urgent actions needed to keep humans and the planet healthy and to foster a movement that encourages societies to prioritise our well-being.

This is in line with the goal of the Ghana Garden and Flower Movement to promote a greener, cleaner, healthier, wealthier and more beautiful Ghana. Strategic Communications Africa Ltd. (Stratcomm Africa) initiated the Movement in 2013.

According to WHO, more than 13 million deaths around the world each year are due to avoidable environmental causes. This includes the climate crisis which is the single biggest health threat facing humanity. The climate crisis is, therefore, also a health crisis.

This is one of the reasons why the Ghana Garden and Flower Movement has, for the past ten years, been promoting activities such as the Ghana Garden and Flower Show that encourages individuals and communities to take responsibility for the environment.

The Ghana Garden and Flower Movement firmly believes that we would all live healthier lives if we take it upon ourselves  to care for and protect our environment, starting with the spaces around us, whether big or small  – at home, school, work place or place of worship.

The Ghana Garden and Flower Movement is calling for concerted effort from government, communities, media, civil society, individuals and organisations to address the climate issue to help save our earth and, therefore, our health.

As we celebrate World Health Day, we encourage every Ghanaian to protect their health and the health of others by taking a simple action of keeping a clean neighbourhood and planting a garden, no matter how small.

The movement is also calling out to businesses and industries to adopt eco-friendly approaches to their operations to help protect the environment and the health and well-being of workers and the society generally.

We call on all Ghanaians to continue to work toward a greener, cleaner, healthier, wealthier and more beautiful Ghana.

Being good stewards of the earth protects our health.  Let’s work together to protect our health!