The Attitude Lounge by Kodwo Brumpon: Understanding Synergy

The Attitude Lounge by Kodwo Brumpon: Today is not Yesterday
Kodwo Brumpon is a management consultant and a life coach who inspires individuals, groups and corporate bodies

“Knowledge is like a lion; it cannot be gently embraced.” – African proverb

“You are a bundle of energy,” so goes the idiomatic expression. We do not think of ourselves as such, but we are truly individual bundles of energy. Physicists tell us that all of life is energy. They argue energy as the capacity of life to perform work. This means, life needs energy to be alive. It is the basis for Albert Einstein’s “everything is energy and that’s all there is to it”. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

Quantum physics takes it to the next level when it states that mass and energy are interchangeable, and consequently that mass is merely a manifestation of energy. This means that everything, including humans, are simply energy stored in mass particle form. When applied to humans, every atom, molecule, cell, tissue and body is composed of energy, and our thoughts, emotions, beliefs and attitudes are all composed of energy. They entwine each other to create our energetic system. So, while the human body includes both visible and invisible parts, the former is the material system and the latter is the energetic system. The matter and energy convert into each other, but the latter is stored in the former.

So, all day long, all we do is to transform matter into energy and energy into matter. That is what makes us beings. The form our transformations take depends on the oomph we put behind it. That is the rate of vibration in our energies. We may not picture life as such, but all beings and all things in the universe vibrate as a movement. These vibratory rates in the movement are quite different for each being and everything – depending on one’s state of mind, emotional mood, depth of faith, as well as vibrations of the related matter, etc. Thus, to achieve something, one’s vibratory rates should match the vibratory rate of the aspiration to bring the two energies in sync. When that happens, it balances the energy flow and subsequently generates synergy.

Since all matter and psychological processes – our thoughts, beliefs, emotions and consciousness – are composed of energy, then it is safe to conclude that life is the manifestation of an energy field. When we add the first law of Thermodynamics, which is premised on the fact that the total amount of energy in the universe is constant – incapable of being created or destroyed – and can only change from one form to another; then it means, our objectives, goals and aspirations are energy that has changed form. It means before we aspired for something that energy was there, but were we aware of it and the form it was in? This is the reason we need to understand ourselves as matter, and then we need to understand ourselves as energy.

When a couple sync their energies, what they can do with the unified energy is boundless. That is why it manifests as love. The same goes for a team. Syncing the energies of three, four, five, ten individuals generates a huge mass of unified energy – like the head of a hammer getting bigger and bigger.  As more energies are harnessed into one force, it can be used to produces outputs that are greater than the sum of their individual outputs. That is what real synergy is all about. It is about harnessing the force of an animated energy and directing it to a process or product to cause a state of positivism in health, wealth, peace of mind, etc.

Granted that the syncing of energies is essential in achieving an output that is greater than the sum of the inputs, it should feature in the dynamics, discussions and decision-making processes. It a concept we should devote more time to understand and harness. But in our haste to get results, in our desire to translate our efforts into returns, we are missing out on something that is crucial to this translation: an understanding of how we energise, and how we are energised by others. We have forgotten to understand the principal source of our power and are looking at other ways to create.

Before we can really appreciate the energy within us as the source of our power, we need to appreciate the physical absence of energy – that is, nothingness. Under the glare of being able to move, we do not think about what life could have been without energy. Sadly, many of our studies about the human body has been focused on the material system, which is characterised by the interconnection between tangible entities. In contrast, the energy system is a system in which intangible forces interact with each other. A lot more needs to be done in this area, but the few studies on synergy and the astronomical outputs it generates should wake our curiosity bugs and get us hungering for more…


Kodwo Brumpon is an author, a life coach and a philanthropist who inspires individuals, groups and organisations to think and feel that which is true by helping them positively respond to that which is beautiful, while nudging them to let goodness govern their actions.

Comments, suggestions and requests should be sent to him at [email protected]