Today’s woman


Imagine a world of perfect women. Say that again- when is that? Is it today, tomorrow, perhaps never? When modesty, virtue, discretion evoke a bygone era… did you say all is lost? – Just calm down!

The truth is that womanhood can’t be defined by only a person’s true, divine nature. Other things come to thefore – the perception of what has been built from family background, society, environment and secular viewpoints are vital for one’s persona. The emergence of civil rights and technology can’t be ignored.

Today’s woman aspires to create a platform where it is easier to bond, empowering and creating better selves in others.  Womanhood is never a limitation. Even though still a child-producing machine (please don’t laugh), now womanhood is more about beauty infused with excellent brains.

To be a woman is complicated, and basically transgender has less to do. Why? Psychologically our society is giving us a rebirth of our gender. A woman is not only described by gender and genitals. My dear, you just lost it! Equal rights for all does not mean if you fix up yourself based on how you feel or think, you are one. Hey, I’m sorry you are not and can never be. Anyway, who cares what you choose to be?

A woman is the most highly-spirited, mysterious, daring and controversial being that has ever existed on earth. In fact, we find it hard to sometimes understand who we really are and hence unleash less of our potentials. Wait! There’s even more to this. To be a woman means having a strong sense of identity. It can be that fragile nature taking hold of your destiny and tapping all the positive energy and resources available to steer you toward success. Isn’t that guts – onfidence-building, coaching or empowering your own kind to be better off?

What does being a woman mean to you? Is it having a pleasant personality, coupled with high taste for fashion? Some say to be in control makes you a woman. For me, that’s ambiguous and funny. Some say the greatest honour and responsibility a woman can have is to be a mother. For others happiness is womanhood

The reality is that what makes you a woman can only be defined by yourself. That’s for real.

Now enough of that. Our flaws as women make us human. You might get confused on the journey. Your energy will drop along the way. You will cry and have sleepless nights for the people you love and care about.

But if you want to be happy and successful women, just figure out your own definition. Outline the little things that make you happy and you will be fulfilled as woman. And put them into action.

Today’s woman has evolved. In Africa, women have explicit responsibility to provide basic needs for the family; hence they are managers of their homes.

Let’s take look at today’s career woman: We see today’s woman in top management positions, having little or no time at all for family (comes home when the children are asleep and sets off when they are a still sleeping). So how does working life affect the family woman? She loses her children to predators and ends up in divorce – in fact, can I boldly say we don’t know our children anymore [they are strangers].

Today’s woman does not factor their family into their decisions in choice and nature of job. What happened to all the good men, since today’s women shoulder all the responsibilities? Who will straighten the paths of our children?

A woman who does not know what she carries is a living corpse, because her presence will never be felt. A woman does not care to stand alone in the right path. She is a life coach – and that contradicts today’s woman who is inferior, selfish, and full of pride and pretence. The role of women in building and reforming society can be mind-blowing.

Kwesi Broni deceived us with ‘what men can do woman can do better’. Crazy me! Was that to encourage feminism? Does that prove women can be independent? The hard truth is that most successful women do not have their own biological children and are barely married. I don’t need to give you statistics, you are living proof of that.

Someone once asked if it is it compulsory that all women get married or for all women to give birth. Either way, just don’t be lonely or cry all night. Stop being that superwoman making people’s lives terrible and miserable with your nasty mood swings. Are we the cause of your problems? Anyway, not all women get all those opportunities. But come on, to be a woman does not mean your mental health should be messed up by that man.

Some life coaches have advised that the peak time for career women is twenty-two to thirty-five (after school, a woman should be able to work at least ten years – which is the peak time for marriage and child-bearing).

I mean, it’s troubling based on the brutal demands and nature of job, especially for the corporate career woman. Those women did not choose to be that way. But come to think of it, what do career men feel about career woman? Yes, they are attracted to them. They have power and wealth, but do they really want to get married to them? Because at that stage the women are looking older after the long denial of self-interest to chase their vision; with beauty faded and strength deteriorated, most times they become too wise and fierce for any man to deceive. The supposed career-men tend to look out for younger juicy women who can be carried away with their deceptions. Perhaps not in every case, but why is it that when couples break up – in most marriages – the woman says “he lied to me”?

While some corporate organisations are reluctant to hire married women because of various excuses, some get the opportunity to be hired and messed up. In fact, let me use this medium to unapologetically thank these (married) women for hindering job opportunities for some of us.

Corporate institutions should identify the cost of losing highly educated women when they start a family. Long working hours which are unfavourable for family women are always really heart-breaking, as we are losing out. Putting in good structures for less working hours will help.

In fact, I am tired with the long talk. After all, some say the world is coming to an end. If there’s any such place as heaven, where no one works or looks for a job, maybe everyone will water the garden and eat fruit. No bills there, they say.

Lastly join me to ponder over this. Does specific gender really matter if we all have equal opportunities? The end of the matter is that we all want to be loved and cherished for who and what we are.

In fact, I have not lost touch with my narrative but I am sorry today’s woman is weird and complicated.  Always complaining and wishing for a man that can love and care, I think that’s very selfish. Don’t you think it’s hard for a man to just focus his attention, devote his time, love and all other resources on only one specific woman? Is it his fault that women are differently beautiful?  On the flipside, don’t you think men want the same?

Why do you think I should define today’s woman, when you can’t even differentiate who is a man or woman; when sometimes we all don’t know what we really want? I mean, when we are always not satisfied and want more and more as humans? But one thing I know is today’s woman is everything you can ever think and imagine.

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