“If you want to know the end, look at the beginning.” – African proverb
To wake up in the morning is a greater miracle for all of us. Not many of us appreciate this, but that is a discourse for another day. Today, I want us to channel our thoughts on the consciousness we need to cultivate in starting each new day. This need arises because we need to make progress each day. And because progress is not a given state, “it will always be threatened, and thus it must be redoubled, restated and reimagined if it is to survive”. This was the observation of Zadie Smith, the English novelist, essayist and short-story writer on “why homogeneity is no guarantor of peace, any more than racial heterogeneity is fated to fail”.
This day is unlike any other day. It is an opportunity to enrich life and make living better. We need to be made aware that while it is true that we do not need instructions about how to live each day, when we do not psyche ourselves to live each day “fearfully and wonderfully” we do not make the days beautiful; and neither do we make life meaningful. As the adage goes, “any worthwhile possession when neglected dies off”. If we do not care for what we have, they become lost to us and disappear. Thus, if we do not make conscious efforts to practise the tenets of goodness, beauty and truth daily, they disappear first from our language and then from our actions.
Many of us assume life simply happens, and along with those happenings is progress. This is where the real challenge is with many of us. We assume too many things and ignore our responsibility to contribute in the unfolding of life. For example, many of us know that which is right, and we know the good – and for some of us we even understand the intersection of right and good is where our decisions and actions should emanate from. Sadly, this worthy knowledge often remains mere knowledge. Its practice is somewhat delayed to the future because we assume it will just materialise.
Only the selfish can ignore that the flourishing of our humanity is simultaneously the conscious effort of some individuals who valued family over individualism, relationships above personal advantage, and harmony over self-preservation. Those were the givers and not takers. They were driven by their faith that the cake can always be enlarged, and worked toward this instead of letting greed inspire them to grab a larger portion of what’s present. We are referring to individuals who understand that instead of enforcing their wills, it is better to let consensus rule the day to generate synergy and ultimately a holistic flourishing of our humanity.
While it is true that we are each limited, together and driven we can achieve the impossible. That is the essence of team-working, and why a beautiful life is subject to incremental progress. That is what the adage “little drops of water makes a mighty ocean” seeks to inspire. It demands that we make conscious efforts, daily, moment by moment – no matter how small it is, to improve upon what is, to reach the top of the mountain. It starts with how, individually, we value our existence and essence. Do you believe you can make a difference or not? That belief determines the depth of passion we pour into each day, and what we contribute to the flourishing of our humanity.
Most of us tend to start our days superficially; that is, without consciously planning to do good, speak and act truthfully and altogether make life beautiful. Consequently, we go about the day without improving upon life. There are many among us who start the day with prayer. It is a good habit, but what do we pray for? Do you ask to be God’s heart, His eyes, ears, nose, hands and feet in a bid to renew His creation for His glory; or do you pray like those afflicted by despair, asking that He favours you so that you can enjoy the wonders of His creation? We should strive to be in the former group to make meaningful contributions to the moments and days.
To this end, let us renew ourselves. Let us refresh our core optimism about life, and let us look eastward, westward, northward, southward and upward, and realise that the vast expanse of what we see and hear seeped out of our collective consciousness. But more importantly, that we can do more to make what is better and delightful, and altogether elevate the dignity our humanity. Being hopeful and acting hopefully will not make us any the lesser. Rather, it will fill us with love, and we will shower patience, kindness, peace, forgiveness, honesty, respect, friendliness, humility, goodwill, good feelings, compassion and encouragement on one another. All in all, we will work to make the world a better place and life a beautiful thing. God be our help…
Kodwo Brumpon is an author, a life coach and a philanthropist who inspires individuals, groups and organisations to think and feel that which is true by helping them positively respond to that which is beautiful, while nudging them to let goodness govern their actions.
Comments, suggestions and requests should be sent to him at [email protected]