Here’s why a global fertiliser shortage is NO problem

Global chemical fertiliser production
King Ohene Obeng Asomaning, CEO of KGV, left, and Kevin Mulvihill CEO of JSHI
  • The messiah you may not have heard of

While we heal the wounds from a deadly pandemic, experts foresee another global migraine: global chemical fertiliser production has reduced, current prices have shot up, and farmers fear lower food production in 2022. Meanwhile, in several countries in Africa, the Carribean and Asia, Apex-10 is ensuring that farmers have no reason to worry about their food security.

What exactly is the challenge?

BNN Bloomberg reports that “Prices of synthetic fertiliser, which rely on natural gas and coal as raw materials, have soared amid an energy shortage and export restrictions by Russia and China”.

This means chemical fertilisers, which farmers have heavily depended on for high yields, are in short supply and expensive. This is happening at a time when food prices are already up 30 percent and the ordinary person can barely make enough money to keep themselves afloat.

So, there’s a lot of desperation in the air: US and UK farmers are reportedly scrambling for all sorts of manure (even human waste) to replace the chemical fertilisers. But that’s not enough, especially not for regular users of chemical fertilisers who regular use commercially produced fertlilisers like Diammonium Phosphate to get six times the nitrogen and 15 times the phosphate as manure on a per tonne basis.

And online, many users are worried: if farmers can’t produce enough food for us, the world will be in danger of instability caused by a hungry and desperate population.

BUT, what if all this is no issue at all? What if a decrease in fertiliser production is no cause for alarm? What if farmers actually need LESS fertilisers to produce MORE than enough food for the world? What if 50 percent – 66 percent of current fertiliser + a revolutionary organic product is enough to produce 2X to 3X the current amount of food we produce? What if farmers can save at least 50 percent fertiliser money and still feed the world?

Sounds like utopia? Well, attention please…because this is already happening!

APEX-10 disrupting food security in Africa, the Carribean and Asia

Spreading like wildfire among many farmers in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean is Apex-10 – a certified, well-tested and proven organic bio-stimulant and soil amendment formula. (Ignore all the jargon, just call it ‘fertiliser booster’.)

The revolutionary formula has been proven to enhance soil quality, improve fertiliser efficiency, reduce water needs, and build healthier, stronger crops & plants. This low-cost natural liquid & additive presents Agriculture and Horticulture professionals with a powerful organic tool for their maintenance, installation and growing operations.

Essentially, Apex-10 is packed with all-natural active ingredients which boost plant nutrients and accelerate their growth by multiplying the effects of any fertiliser 2 to 3-fold. This is good news, because we now need to spend only 50 to 66 percent of present money on fertiliser to produce 2 to 3 times our current quantity. You’d be right to call this a miracle.

Since 2017, in Ghana, this peat-extract from Nature’s Wonder has been shocking farmers and renewing their joy in agriculture – slashing fertiliser usage while giving them 2x to 3x more than their normal yield. Some have won Best-Farmer awards while others have a renewed joy in agriculture; young people are attracted to farming, and each day the stories keep coming.

But the story of Apex-10 goes beyond slashing fertiliser costs and tripling crop yields. In fact, it is serving as a huge relief for the world by fixing a major problem with chemical fertilisers – i.e run-off of chemicals into our water-bodies, a major threat to aquaculture and the ecosystem in general.

Wait, wait, what’s going on here?

What’s going on here is that while farmers in the US and Europe are worried over the shortage of chemical fertilisers which are already toxic to our soils, farmers in Ghana, Togo, Benin, Mali and 13 other African countries are using between 50 to 60 percent less fertiliser to triple their yield.

Time to rethink the role of fertiliser in the pursuit of food security?

Why not? Because Apex-10 is teaching us that the world is missing an essential ingredient in the fight for food security. And if we don’t need more toxic fertiliser in our water-bodies and our soils to have affordable food on our tables, perhaps it’s time for governments and individuals who care about solving world hunger, who care about protecting the environment, and who care care about feeding the world with healthy food to help spread the Apex-10 story.