Bible Society launches 2022 Bible Week

Bible Society launches 2022 Bible Week

The Bible Society of Ghana, a non-denominational Christian organization, has launched its annual Bible Week celebration to continue its mission of transforming lives through God’s word.

The programme under the theme ‘The Bible and Integrity’ will be marked with different activities including free distribution of one million bibles to all pupils in basic schools across the country, bible teachings in different congregations, among others.

A speech read on behalf of the General Secretary of the society, Enoch Aryee-Atta, noted that there is a need to maintain high level of integrity, particularly, in our current dispensation where people find pleasure in dishonesty and not decency.

Living in fast-paced world where social media has become the order of the day, Rev. Aryee-Atta noted that integrity is a non-negotiable requirement for all persons who are determined on achieving their God-given dream.

“This is a call to deeply reflect on the issue of integrity at all levels of our national life for the promotion of selflessness and good stewardship in service towards the moral and socio-economic development of our communities, organizations and the nation as a whole,” he said.

He reiterated that the theme is timely as it is expected to greatly encourage the church and the nation to pursue the high standards of integrity in both our private and individual lives to ensure the goodness and well-being of the people.

“We are most of the time caught up in the desire to have what we want, when we want it and taking shortcut in order to continue with our swift lives, one can get to the top without integrity but one cannot stay long at the top without integrity . It may take longer to get where you want to go when you refuse to take short cuts but there is a treasure in integrity when we pursue it.

He indicated that the society has launched the New Esahie Bible and the Gurune New Testament for the people of Western North and Upper East respectively.

He revealed that the society has put up measures to launch the New Testament translation for congregations in Efutu-Senya and Okyere adding that soon launch the Bono New Testament addind that work is ongoing to with the Dagaare/Gurune Old Testament and the Esahie Deutero-canonical books.