#OutstandingBrands2022: Crop Doctor – leading innovation in agriculture

Crop doctor Ghana Limited

Accelerating and scaling up innovation in agriculture triggers the transformation needed to respond to feeding a growing and increasingly urbanized population, climate change impacts, and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

As a result, despite the challenges of the past two years, Crop Doctor Ghana Limited, a leading agribusiness company in Ghana, has successfully adapted to the “new norm” of farming by introducing a mechanized and innovative approach to the Ghanaian agricultural space.

Although farmers have been quite innovative since the dawn of agriculture, fostering the capacity of the millions of these farmers to innovate is especially crucial today as they face unprecedented challenges such as labour intensive farming practices, time consuming work patterns, loss of capital, high cost of farming, significant post-harvest losses, etc., that affect their livelihoods as well as the sustainability of the world’s food and agriculture systems.

Regardless of the challenges, our exceptional, dynamic, and innovative team has demonstrated a strong commitment to constantly transforming agriculture by introducing MICROMEC Farm Machinery.

Crop Doctor’s newly established MICROMEC Farm Machinery since its inception has been performing magic for our farmers by offering a low-cost, easy-to- use and maintain, affordable and efficient equipment that creates prosperity in our rural communities for our valued farmers across the country.

MICROMEC offers a variety of machines ranging from land preparation, planting, spraying, harvesting, threshing to post harvest solutions as well as PPE’s with flexible payment alternatives, allowing farmers to utilize the machinery without worrying about their cash flow. Customers are able to take advantage of complementary pre and post-purchase training services as part of our offerings. The machinery is designed to suit Ghanaian agricultural challenges and all machines can be operated by both men and women with simple training from our technicians and mechanics across the farming communities

MICROMEC has made farming easier and more efficient over the last year, creating chances for young entrepreneurs to participate in rental or leasing services, particularly with our harvesting and numerous post-harvest options. MICROMEC is here to Modernize Ghanaian Agriculture to create Rural Prosperity.

Crop Doctor Ghana Limited strategically works with farmers to attain desired results, allowing us to achieve our overarching goal of better serving farmers.

The equipment can be found in Kumasi at Adum, opposite Dufie Towers; in Tamale the showroom is located at Dungu Airport Road. Crop Doctor can be reached via WhatsApp on +233 54 026 7310.