REAL ESTATE MINUTE With Cyril Nii Ayitey Tetteh:  Happy New Home

REAL ESTATE MINUTE With Cyril Nii Ayitey Tetteh: Happy New Home

Time flies indeed, feels like only yesterday when we were putting the trees up and just like that we are in February. Well, this being our first piece for the year, it is definitely not too late to say a happy new year to you and hopefully you will have a happy home too. Interested? Here is your New Year home pack and maintenance checklist.

Do a safety check

While some have recovered and gotten into full work mode, a few of us are slowly returning to our regular routine after the festivities. This is the perfect time to take stock and plan for the year and it doesn’t start better than doing a safety check after what must have been loads of pressure of the house utilities. Check for leaks in your gas and stoves, pipes, shower, tub and toilet for leaks and or leaking faucets, and if needed, tighten or replace the washers. Also ensure that you have a fire extinguisher in your home, especially the kitchen.

Detox the house

With visitors come lots of food, drinks and loads of merry making. These come with stains and dirt around the yard or compound. It will be a good time to “detox” the house. So grab those buckets, towels and brushes, it is time to power wash and deep clean the exterior of your home. Wash the exterior, doors, windows, gates and even the pavements. You will be surprised how this will freshen your home and have it looking spick and span.

Service your ACs

So this one in particular is very dear to my heart, as a green and sustainability advocate, indoor air quality ranks high on my list. However, most of us, including me can go by months and months without servicing our ACs. This will be the best time to call an HVAC professional to service your AC unit, to not only improve its performance, but also have you breathing cleaner and fresher air so as to prevent sinus and respiratory issues.

Check for insect activity

With all the partying and food from the festivities, you may have unintentionally invited some guests who are probably overstaying their welcome. Pests or insects, such as termites and carpenter ants, cockroaches may have feasted too and if not checked will create new colonies. They eat and burrow through wood, which can result in structural damage to your house. Be on the lookout for particular areas where they are congregating and if over the counter pesticides don’t work call for professional fumigation.

Show some landscape love

With the recent harmattan came very dry conditions, leaves fell, and most of lawns were dry and suffered a lot of pressure from all the festivities too. It’s time to give them some love, so they can repair and have then looking green and beautiful.  Collect debris, prune and trim branches and clear any built up waste away from your house, as these can act as a pathway for insects or small animals looking for warmth.

There you are friends, let’s get that house in order, a little thing but goes a long way to even clear our minds, provide a lovely environment to plan, strategize and create new enduring memories for 2022. Who is with me?

The writer is the Executive director of Yecham Property Consult

 & Founder of Ghana Green Building Summit.

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: Cyril Nii Ayitey Tetteh