Nestlé responses to consumer complaints about evaporated milks

Nestlé responses to consumer complaints about evaporated milks

For Nestlé, maintaining the high quality of our products is our number one priority. It is important to us that ourconsumers have the best experience with our products.Regrettably, for some consumers of our evaporated milks thishas not been the case recently. Some found that the milk theyhad purchased had coagulated in the packaging. Incollaboration with the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), weinvestigated thoroughly, identified the root cause, and put asolution in place.

On Monday January 10, the FDA released a statementexplaining the cause and confirming that this is not a foodsafety issue. The statement explains that so far, the rootcause analysis indicates that the skimmed milk powder (rawmaterial) used to produce the milk complained of has poorheat stability. This results in the denaturing of the proteinleading to the coagulation of the milk. Denatured proteinhowever poses no health risk.”

Based on the above, the underlisted batches of evaporatedmilk are being recalled. The batch numbers are listed belowand can be found printed on top of the lid of each tin. Anyonewho has an IDEAL Milk product or CARNATION TeaCreamer from one of these batches can drop them off at anyone of the Nestlé offices across the country and obtain areplacement. Alternatively, they can contact us forinformation on other ways to exchange a product from thesebatches.

Consumers who will return their products to any FDA office nationwide will be contacted by Nestlé for replacement.

The batch numbers which may include tins affected by the issue are:

IDEAL Milk: 12651489, 12951489, 12961489, 13001489, 13031489, 13031489, 13131489, 13161489, 13171489, 13341489, 13351489

CARNATION Tea Creamer: 12901480, 12911489, 12931489, 12941489, 12951489, 12601489, 12611489, 12651489, 13061489, 13071489, 13081489, 13091489, 13101489.

We regret very much any inconvenience caused to ourconsumers and to our trade partners as a result of this issueand the recall. Anyone who has a concern can contact us onour toll-free number 0800120001.

Alternatively, they can callon 0302 21 1880 (Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm)or call, WhatsApp or SMS us on 059384 5697, 0593845649 and 059 384 5708 between 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.They can    email[email protected] or send direct messages (DM) to @NestléCWAR on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram or @IdealMilkGhana on Facebook and Instagram.

We appreciate the feedback we have received fromconsumers who have shared their concerns.

We want toreassure them we are doing our utmost to ensure that theproducts affected are recovered and replaced as smoothly aspossible.

We would like to thank all concerned for theirunderstanding.

Read the FDA statement of 10th January2022 here: FDA Press Release