Recipes with Dainess Chef’s School


This homemade Chocolate Brownie recipe is everything you want in a Brownie, incredibly easy to make and serves you with all the chocolatey goodness you desire. Just the thought of the moist, chewy and chocolatey nature of this chocolate brownie will make you want to prepare it in excess because you wouldn’t want to crave and not have some available and oh! it actually tastes better when it keeps. You can store the squares in an airtight container for a week or freeze for up to a month. The best brownies are ones with a generous amount of dark chocolate in it and that’s exactly what this recipe is. All you need is a bowl and more chocolate. If you want to know what happiness is, try this recipe.


  • Granulated sugar -200g
  • Brown sugar         -200g
  • Eggs    -3
  • Cocoa powder -75g
  • Flour  -120g
  • Salt  -6g
  • Dark chocolate chips -260g
  • Melted butter -225g
  • Coffee -15ml
  • Vanilla -15ml


  1. In a large bowl, combine melted butter, eggs, vanilla extract, and coffee then mix together well.
  2. Add the white and brown sugars to the mixture and whisk together well.
  3. Sift cocoa powder, flour, and salt into the bowl and mix until just combined.
  4. Toss in chocolate chips (or chunks) and fold into the batter.
  5. Add batter to pan and smooth to the edges. You can add more chocolate chips to the top before baking if desired.
  6. Bake at 180.C for about 30 minutes or until the center is just set. You’ll notice the center does not wiggle when the pan is moved. You can double check by inserting a tooth pick or skewer into the centre, once the tooth pick comes out clean without particles, you can consider it done.
  7. Allow to cool a bit and cut into desired squares.