Judges of Superior Courts deepen knowledge on maritime law

Judges of Superior Courts deepen knowledge on maritime law

Justices of the Superior Courts of Ghana have been assembled in this year’s Maritime Law Seminar which is the premier event that provides the platform for judges to be abreast with knowledge on maritime law and new developments in this specialized discipline.

The judges undertook subjects such as piracy and terrorism, transport documents used in international trade, and the arrest of ships, judicial sale, and distribution of proceeds.

The ultimate aim of this program is to enhance judges’ capabilities during the adjudication of maritime related litigations.

Held in Accra, the 2-day seminar, was organised by the Ghana Shippers Authority in collaboration with the Judicial Training Institute.

The event however has since 2019 been changed from an annual event to a biannual event in conformity to the Shippers’ Authority’s strategic direction.

Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Shippers’ Authority, Benonita Bismarck, asserted that “maritime trade’s contribution to the nation’s economic development is very significant. As a result of this there has been deliberate efforts to ensure that players in this space interact frequently to ensure clarity of legal procedures locally and internationally. Also, clear institutional, professional and policy drive aimed at enhancing the development of the maritime industry in Ghana have been established.”

Chief Justice, His Lordship Justice Kwasi Anin-Yeboah, implored the judges to take advantage of such rare opportunities which are aimed at deepening the professional process of adjudicating maritime cases.

Speaking on the side lines of the seminar, maritime law expert and consultant, Dr. Emmanuel Kofi Mbiah called for a revision of the country’s law as far as maritime trade is concerned.

“Our law at this stage is behind time because we haven’t revised the law in a very long time and a lot of changes have been made. The UK who we depended on for our law have changed, themselves. There is the need for law reform in this area. Some of our rules of procedure must change in conformity with changing trends. Some of the things we have captured in our Court Acts, the Ghana Shipping Act, would have to be modified,” the Maritime lawyer articulated.

On the 2nd day, the various judges visited the Port of Tema to have first-hand experience of port operations and developments as well as interact with management of the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority.