Employment vs. entrepreneurship challenge – Who is the winner?

Employment vs. entrepreneurship challenge – Who is the winner?

Recently, the Government of Ghana through the Finance Minister stirred the hornet nest. How? He sent some shivers down the spine of unemployed graduates in Ghana by being frank in telling the nation that the public service can no longer accommodate many unemployed graduates who are aspiring to get into the public sector as employees of the government.

This came as a rude shock to many Ghanaian job applicants who are desperately waiting for the government to open the flood gate of public sector employment for them to get a place on the government payroll.

Why is the government not ready to open the job gate for her people to enter? I think the word of God in Matthew 7:14 provides a significant answer to the begging question ‘’because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads unto life, and few there be that find it.’’

The government did not just say the door of public employment is closed or closing. They came up with a ‘juicy’ alternative they called YouthStart Initiative to address the concern of over 1million unemployed people in the country.

Frankly, the answer to the question of no more space in the public sector for candidates seeking employment is in the book written by two important personalities in the book co-authored and titled “Why we want you to be Rich.’’ The former American President Donald J. Trump and the author of a best seller Rich Dad, Poor Dad Robert T. Kiyosaki. They said and I quote “Our government wants us to create jobs, not look for a job. Our economy would collapse if everyone started looking for a job. For our economy to grow, we need people to create jobs.”

This is the wisdom behind the setting up the entrepreneurship programme ‘’YouthStart’’ to address the issue of job creation rather than people hunting for a job that is no more available.

Personally, I think job creation is one sure way by which unemployed person can come out of the labour market. How do I mean? Look for a problem to solve and get out of the unemployment situation. There are too many problems begging for solutions in our part of the world. That is where the jobs we are searching for are waiting for us.

The inability of our people to stretch their imaginations a little further is keeping many would-be entrepreneurs continue to languishing in the ‘’unemployment prison.” There are many problems facing our country and the continent that can turn many jobless people into a self-made billionaires. We need to stretch our imagination minds a little more to come to this point.

The word of God in Isaiah 54: 2-3 says “Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; Do not spare; Lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left, and your descendants will inherit the nations, and make the desolate cities inhabited.’’

Two main constraints in starting business in our part of the world can be traced to money and what to do? If you ask majority of our people who are not employed, why they can’t start a business of their own when there are no job opportunities available anywhere.  The first thing they would talked about is, no money to start the business and the second one which is the twin brother is, I don’t know what to sell or produce?

Solution is here

Government of Ghana in their 2022 budget is proposing a whooping Ghc1billion as intervention fund to support young entrepreneurs in what is tagged ‘’YouthStart’’

In addition to this amount, government is encouraging the private sector to invest about Ghc5billion to support the programme through increase lending to SMEs in the country to create more jobs for our teeming youth who are desperately looking for something to do.

Now, we can say the problem of no money to start a business has been laid to rest with this big intervention by the government. Any interested youth should be able to access funding through government agencies like Ghana Enterprise Agency (GEA), the National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (NEIP) and other related government institutions by login to the portal created for that purpose.

The second important challenge is finding what to do or what problem to solve?

My answer to this should provide a good pointer to where our youth should channel their thinking going forward. Let me give you this important equation that says ‘’money plus brain equals profit.’’

Opportunities everywhere

Opportunities are where the complaints are says Jack Ma the founder of Ali Baba. In Africa, with the kind of problems the continent is still faced with, finding solutions to any of them can easily turn anyone into instant self-made billionaire. Unfortunately, we are still unable to find good solutions to some of these pressing challenges in our environment.

When you hear ‘There is no water, toilet, road, business know that there is opportunity for you to start something in that regards that would bring you fortune.

What is opportunity? It is a good chance for advancement or progress. It is getting valuable information that leads you to your next level. However, many Africans say there is no more opportunities in the land. Foreigners and few privileged people have taken over the space. Is that true? Absolutely not. Nobody can take over all the opportunities God created for His people to enjoy.

When you solve any of these pressing problems in our environment, you create wealth for yourself and become an employer of labour rather than employee of someone else.

The reason why Government of various countries set up Ministries and Departments in their countries is because they wanted a solution to some identified problems in that particular sector by naming the ministry with the problem they wanted it solved.

For Instance – Ministry of Finance – Its responsibility is to help government raise money and manage government expenditures. What solution can you come up with in helping government to raise more money with ease and at lowest possible cost? – Looking at Government revenue collection system and blocking the loop holes in the system. That’s one problem that requires urgent solution.

Take all the Government Ministries and Departments in the country and select two or three of them and ask yourself what problem(s) are they established to solve and how can be of help in this regard?

Begin to research and finding solutions to some of these problems. I bet you, you would soon land yourself in big money or business with God on your side.

Ministry of Labour and Employment is set up to create employment and increase productivity-

How can we make people increase productivity in Ghana, help employers get value for money from their employees?

Ministry of industry -Support and established new companies- How can we restructure some dead or sick companies and bring them back to life? These moribund companies need life injection. How can we bring life back to some of them?

Ministry of Health -Improve living standard of Ghanaians- Why is it that today 21 century we still have open defecations everywhere? What can we do to eliminate open defecation in our country and by extension in our continent?

Why is malaria still prevalent in Africa? What solution can we offer that can eliminate this killer disease? Why is child mortality rate still high- How can we reduce or eliminate it?

Other specific problems that needs solution in our country

Cooking with Charcoal and fire woods – What other alternatives that are cheaper and affordable

Severe Heat in the Northern part of the country – How can we use the UAE experience to solve our heat problem?

Car accident, Vehicle breakdowns evacuation and towing solution on Highways

Bus terminal reservation and ticketing automation for intercity and international passengers

People sleeping in the open, slums or co-habiting for lack of accommodation. What can be done?

Intruder/ Burglar alarm system in the home and offices – how to connect your home to your phone

Stealing of Fuel by company drivers and connection with attendants

What alternative animal feeds production system can we research to reduce shortage of animal feeds in the country? Cocoa Beans Dryer or oven. Storage facility and Preservation mechanism for perishable farm produce – Like Tomatoes, beans, yam, plantain, onions etc

Conversion of domestic waste to Biogas for cooking

Research on local fertilizer production system- Looking for food for the soil to regain its fertility.

Good reasons to start your own business

It gives you control and more freedom, you can find your own work and life balance. You have the choice to determine who you want to work with. You can take calculated risk and reap the entire reward. Entrepreneurship creates new challenges, opportunities and excitement for the owner.

The pride of ownership is also something self-motivating. Having your own business is like growing a tree or nursing a child, you see it grow from a small plant to a big tree or an adult. It is a thing of joy.

Having your own business enables you to get more for your labour as an entrepreneur. You can follow your passion and get things done faster, you can connect with your clients more closely

There is also that joy of creating something that will out lived you. Instead of helping others to grow their balance sheet, you can use the same energy and brain to grow yours to the point of competing with those who should have been your employers.

“There is no time or reason to be hesitant becoming an entrepreneur. It is a learning experience. You could have a million ideas, but they are worthless if you don’t get them done. Make it happen now, not tomorrow. Tomorrow is a loser’s excuse.’’ Farrah Gray

Mike is the  C.E.O, Mikensy Consulting Limited (www.mikensyconsultingltd.com)

[email protected]  or +233248951379