Fundraising for National Cathedral launched in T’di


Ghanaians have been urged to throw their weight behind the National Cathedral Project to ensure its completion on time.

“With the inclusion of the Bible Museum and the biblical garden, the National Cathedral will not only become the ecumenical hub of all Christian activities and a symbol of God’s manifest presence but also an educational centre of theological excellence and a global tourist attraction,” said Bishop Emmanuel Botwey, General Overseer of Christian Faith International and Coordinator of the Sekondi-Takoradi Network of Ministers, Councils and Churches.

He was speaking at a fundraising launch for the National Cathedral in Takoradi. The fundraising launch is designed to raise awareness of the responsibility of individuals and corporate bodies to continuously support the Cathedral project prayerfully and financially.

“Funding a US$250million project within the stipulated period of three years looks like an unsurmountable hurdle; but with God, and to them that believe, all things are possible,” Bishop Botchwey said.

Today, he pointed out that some individuals are arguing that in the view of numerous challenges that the nation is confronted with, the project should not be considered a national priority that deserves the proposed huge investment.

However, he noted that majority of the Christian fraternity in Ghana, constituting about 71.2 percent of the country’s population which translates into about 21.36 million Christians, strongly believe that the project will attract a symbolic higher degree of God’s presence in our nation.

“We of the Christian fraternity believe that it is not only positively praiseworthy but also worth pursuing and long overdue. With prayer, dedication, commitment and a united front, the National Cathedral Project will surely become a reality,” he said, adding that: “I urge all well-meaning Ghanaians to throw their weight behind this noble and laudable project to ensure that we complete it in record time,” he added.

He added that the government of Ghana is so committed to the project and has already donated 10% of the total cost and provided land at a prime site for the project: “We the beneficiaries of the project cannot rest on our oars”.

“If each member of the Christian fraternity, churches, corporate bodies, governmental institutions and the general public would commit a token amount to support the Cathedral project every month in a consistent manner, the project will definitely be completed in a record time to the glory of God,” he concluded.