The Ghanaian Factory of the Future? Part Two

Edward Gomado is a Partner in PwC Ghana

Smart Manufacturing Technology in a post-COVID-19 world

Smart Manufacturing will play an instrumental role within the industrial manufacturing
sector— and it is likely that the COVID-19 pandemic will only highlight the value to
be gained through greater automation and smarter, more resilient supply chains. The
unique advantages of smart manufacturing in automating the factory floor and incorporating new services into all kinds of products will make it a must-have in the post-COVID-19 era.

The pandemic is primarily a public healthcare problem, but one with immense immediate
implications for businesses and for economic, fiscal and monetary policy. The health
threats could disappear within months — or persist for years.

This virus is both accelerating powerful existing trends (such as automation and inequality) and slamming the brakes on trends that had, until very recently, possessed tremendous momentum
(such as globalisation).

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