Ekumfi enstools Nana Araba Arhinfuwa III as Ankobeahemaa

Ekumfi enstools Nana Araba Arhinfuwa III as Ankobeahemaa

Nana Araba Arhinfuwa III, known in private life as Rita Awuni, has been enstooled as the Queen Mother of Ekumfi Abor and the Ankobeahemaa of the Ekumfi Traditional Area in the Central Region, during the “Home-Coming” of the people of Ekumfi Abor.

The “Home-Coming” is an initiative of the chiefs to bring back home citizens of Ekumfi Abor, far and near, to raise funds to support the developmental agenda of the town, through various activities over a three-day period.

On Saturday 4 September 2021, the new queen mother was paraded in a palanquin across the streets of Abor township in her traditional regalia amid drumming and dancing to frontonfrom, after being confined for five days to go through some elaborate customary and traditional rites to acquaint herself with all rituals and intricacies of her new role.

At the durbar of chiefs and people of Ekumfi held at Abor, she first swore to Nana Amoasi VII who is the chief of Ekumfi Abor and the Ankobeahen of Ekumfi Traditional Area. Same day, traditional rites were performed at Ekumfi Ebiram, the seat of the Ekumfi paramountcy, before Nana Araba Arhinfuwa III swore as Ekumfi Ankobeahemaa to Nana Akyin the VIII the Omanhen of the Traditional area.

Nana Araba Arhinfuwa assumes her new role following the passing away of Nana Amoasiwaa II a year and half ago, and after being elected by Nana Amoasi VII in consultation with the three gates of Aguana clan at Ekumfi Abor, and getting the approval of the Paramount Chief Nana Akyin VIII.

In private life, Nana Araba Arhinfuwa is into Midwifery and presently works with the Ghana Health Service (GHS) at Abrem Agona within the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem (KEEA) Municipality.  Nana is married with two girls, and has passion for girl’s mentorship and women’s health.

Sharing her vision with the people of Abor and the entire Ekumfi Traditional Area, she indicated that she would work to support the larger vision of his chief Nana Amoasi VII. She intend to focus on the health of the people, the education of the girl-child, and the empowerment of women to give birth in the manner that they want, and beyond that to make the choices that keep them healthy and strong.

She pledged to work with Nana Benyiwa VI, the Queen mother of Ekumfi Traditional Area and the other queen mothers on a number of initiatives, including making puberty rite a tourism attraction in Ekumfi.

Ekumfi Abor is predominantly a farming area cultivating variety of food crops, and is the major contributor to the pineapple feedstock required by the Ekumfi Juice Factory, which operates under the One-District One-Factory initiative.

Puberty Rite involving JHS 3 and some SHS 1 students held in Nana Amoasi VII’s Ekumfi Abor over the weekend in colours