REAL ESTATE MINUTE With Cyril Nii Ayitey Tetteh: The game changers in energy efficiency & renewable energy

REAL ESTATE MINUTE With Cyril Nii Ayitey Tetteh: The game changers in energy efficiency & renewable energy

Hello Ghana, hello green family. I trust you are keeping safe. Following from our teaser of what to expect at the 4th Ghana Green Building Summit 2021, today we bring you the 2nd part as we await next week’s event from September 23-24, This event is a one stop shop with over 50 speakers from over 10 countries.

Be our guest as we focus on the energy theme of the Summit. We begin the teasers with Net Zero buildings before looking at the game changers in energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Is the Race to Net Zero Buildings a fad?

As the world attempts to navigate a net-zero transition by 2050, Africa is bracing for a huge demographic shift. More than half of the 2 billion people who will be added to the global population by 2050 will be Africans. Half a billion people will become a part of Africa’s urban population by 2040. These demographic and population shifts will have significant implications for energy demand for transport, industry and cooling.

The question then is, not whether a global net-zero emissions pathway is possible given present and future technological advancements. Rather, it is how the poorest and soon-to-be most populous region in the world will lift its people out of poverty and navigate a net-zero transition simultaneously. Buildings play a key role in this transition hence our focus on Net Zero Buildings, with particular emphasis on the African situation.

What you will learn

  1. What Net Zero buildings are and why are they key in the race to net zero.
  2. Drivers for Net Zero buildings uptake
  3. Net Zero case studies or success stories/projects across Africa
  4. How COVID-19 will affect the race to Net Zero
  5. The technological innovations propelling Net Zero to reach goal 2050. How Africa and developing countries can leverage these as well as use of indigenous technology. 

The Game Changers: Emerging Innovative Technologies Enabling Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy


Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency is key to human survival and economic development in developing countries.  With the high cost of fuel prices which impact on the economies of developing countries as well as the rampant destruction of the forest cover in search for fuel wood, and the impact of climate change, developing countries especially have no other choice but to fully take on board alternative sources of energy – Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.

Resisting the shift to green energy has been shown to not only be futile but also bad business practice, given the increase in consumer demand. The need to spark this conversation is thus in the right direction. 

What you will learn

  1. The drivers, disrupters or innovations in the energy efficiency and renewable space.
  2. The barriers affecting greater adoption of renewables.
  3. Successful models or case studies in Africa and globally.
  4. How buildings achieve energy efficiency.
  5. How building design and operations management models influence the attainment of energy efficient buildings.

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Join the dialogue.

The writer is the Executive director of Yecham Property Consult

 & Founder of Ghana Green Building Summit.

Email: [email protected]

LinkedIn: Cyril Nii Ayitey Tetteh