WATSAN committee members undergo training

WATSAN committee members undergo training

Gold Fields Ghana, Tarkwa Mine – in collaboration with the Water and Sanitation Management (WSMT) Desk of the Tarkwa Nsuaem and Prestea/Huni Valley Municipal Assemblies – has organised a two-week training programme for the community water and sanitation (WATSAN) committees.

Eighty-five (85) volunteers from the Tarkwa Mine host communities participated in the training. The committee members, 44% of whom were women, were trained on functions of the committee; how to take minutes; record-keeping; preparing action plans; budgeting; and pump site maintenance. They were also trained how to collaborate with other stakeholders in the management of water, sanitation and hygiene.

Over the years, Gold Fields Ghana has provided about 18 water facilities to the host communities in its operational areas. In line with sustainable development Goal 6 on achieving clean water and sanitation, the company continues to support and strengthen the participation of local communities in improving water and sanitation management.

Establishing Water and Sanitation Management Committees in the communities is expected to help manage water facilities. The committees have also been trained and equipped to carry out minor repairs on the community water facilities.

The formation of WATSAN Committees is a District Assemblies concept, which aligns with Gold Fields’ drive to improve maintenance of water and sanitation projects and ensure sustainability.