Gender mainstreaming policy guide on entrepreneurship launched

Gender mainstreaming policy guide on entrepreneurship launched

A policy guide on gender mainstreaming for the nation’s entrepreneurship ecosystem has been launched.

The policy is geared towards decision-making around issues of gender in the entrepreneurship ecosystem and aims to strengthen gender inclusion in entrepreneurship planning.

This is expected to have a trickle-down effect on resources earmarked specifically for women-led businesses.

The policy spearheaded Africa Skills Hub and Canada World Youth and Global Affairs Canada was launched in partnership with National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (NEIP), Social Enterprise Ghana, Scaleup Africa, Social Innovation Africa, and Impact Investing Ghana.

The Policy Guide entails significant input from ecosystem practitioners and entrepreneurs on perceptions and insights about gender mainstreaming for entrepreneurship policymakers and leaders.

It aims to support duty-bearers in Ghana and Africa to revisit how they conduct ”gender work” and implement engendered entrepreneurial policies that would lead the nation into a more inclusive economic development and socio-cultural outcomes.

The guide has been published primarily for partners, coordinators, legislators, ministers, leaders, and entrepreneurship practitioners involved in drafting and passing national Start-up, Impact Investing, Social Enterprise, and other flagship Entrepreneurship policies and laws in Ghana and across Africa.

However, it can be useful to all individuals or organizations interested in learning more about gender mainstreaming and how it can be implemented in project planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.

Present at the event were International NGOs (SNV Ghana, WUSC Ghana, Youth Advocates   Ghana, Tony Blaire Institute, CAMFED Ghana, GIZ Ghana), Local NGOs (NORSAAC Ghana, Gender Center Ghana, Challenges Ghana) Civil Society Organizations, Government Agencies (NEIP Ghana, Ghana Enterprise Agency, Youth Employment Agency, COTVET Ghana, and the High Commission of Canada in Ghana.