HR Series with Selina Buabeng : How to enhance your job search and get called for interviews

HR Series with Selina Buabeng: Five tips to help you ace a virtual interview

Sometimes, the process of finding a job can be very overwhelming and feel like a “job” in itself.

It takes a lot of time and resources to prepare and send off applications, and it can be disheartening to have nothing to show for all the work you have put in. The job market is getting narrower by the minute, and it is no surprise that a huge number of people apply for jobs without ever getting called for interviews.

Frantically searching for jobs can lead to desperation. Always maintain a positive demeanour, complaining and lack of self-esteem can affect your job search.The fact is, most recruiters will employ attitude over skill.

In order to enhance your job search, here are four tips to make your job search more effective and increase your chances of being called for interviews:

  1. Improve your visibility and build your brand

Focus on building a professional brand instead of spending all your time on popular social media platforms. You need to project a unique and professional brand, you can simply join top professional associations and groups and get involved by writing articles, sharing ideas and comments. Unless you build your unique professional brand, you won’t be able to stand out.

2.  Customise your resume

Avoid generalising your CV. As a recruiter, one common trait I have realised is that most candidates submit the same CV for different job applications. This is not advisable. You must customise your resume and cover letter to suit each job application. Take time to read the job description as outlined in the advertisement to determine why you’re a great fit, add your skills, experiences, and measurable achievements that are relevant to the position you are applying for.

3. Deliver exceptional results in your current job and network regularly

If you’re currently employed and you’re looking for a better job, it would be advisable to perform your current duties with commitment and positivity. Maintain a healthy working relationship with your managers and coworkers as long as you’re working with them. Your professional attitude and efforts can result in job references and opportunities in the future. Interact with people and develop professional contacts both online and in person. Start conversations with people at seminars, social events or appointments. Let them know you’re looking for a job without sounding desperate. This is one of the ways you can land job opportunities on the invisible job market. Approximately 7 out of 10 jobs are received as a result of networking.

4. Contact employers directly and prepare for interviews 

You can contact specific managers in companies you’re interested in and have researched. Painstakingly prepare for your interview. A predominant error made by candidates is inadequate interview preparation for a job they applied for.

The job search process can be very lengthy and quite overwhelming. However, adopting these strategies can help you strengthen your approach, boost your confidence and get you on track to landing that next role.

Selina Buabeng, is a Human Resource Professional with over 11 years’ experience in Strategic Human Resource Management, Talent Development, Employee Relations, Labour Law etc.  She is a Certified Human Resource Practitioner with certification from the Institute of Human Resource Practitioners Ghana. Currently, Selina works with one of Ghana’s leading banks as a Talent Resourcing & Onboarding Professional. She also runs a YouTube Channel Selina Buabeng where she shares relevant job search and career development tips for individuals.

Connect with Selina via:

LinkedIn: Selina Buabeng

Instagram: @selinabuabeng_

Twitter: @selinabuabeng_

Youtube: Selina Buabeng