No such thing as a wasted time


As children, we grow up dreaming of who we would want to be in future. As good as it is to have dreams, the reality of life is that there will be obstacles, challenges and hurdles along the way. Time has proven to be a dark horse constantly piercing our thoughts and wasting it has become a cardinal sin that condemns us.

The fundamental thing to note is that when you are pursuing your dreams and goals, maximum effort is absolutely required. You cannot afford to give less of yourself. In order to give your best, you need time and time requires action. As we navigate life, we understand better how to manage time, how to strategize to be efficient with our efforts and so on.

It must be said that the experience you gain with pursuing your dreams is so important for shaping your future dream itself. So, there is no such thing as time wasted because there is always a lesson learned somehow. Hindsight has a funny way of undermining our efforts vis-à-vis our destined future dream.

Nonetheless, no matter how little a step forward is, it is an improvement on an initial position the day before. No business mogul or life’s greatest coach is at the apex of their career when they started off as rookies. It is what you make of the experiences that determine the level or height of your achievement.

In all of this, growth and acceleration should be at the core of your drive to achieve your dreams. It is an element in the process that is not bound by time. It is bound by strategy, favour and persistence. So there is no such thing as time wasted. It is about being present and learning lessons taught from the experiences.

It also about cutting things off that are no longer self-serving to you and your daily pursuits. The biggest questions that bring all of these into perspective are; what are your short, mid and long term goals? How does your business venture benefit you? How do you value it?

If you cannot sincerely answer them, then you are at that point where you need introspection. Because, these questions should guide you to self-actualization. Above all, it is never time wasted, it is always lesson learned. Your expedition has prepared you for the greater good so do not for one second think you have lost time.

These can be applied in our business and personal lives. But amidst the chaos and frustrations of life, we all need a friend who will remind us that there is beauty in the struggle and it is never time wasted.

The writer  is the Business Operations Manager at EarlBeam Realty