Book on ‘The Real Estate Market in Ghana’ launched

Book on ‘The Real Estate Market in Ghana’ launched

After years of lacklustre growth, Ghana’s housing market is now gaining momentum, boosted by strong economic growth, and the influx of non-resident Ghanaians and foreign homebuyers, according to local real estate experts.

As a result, more and more researchers and players in the sector are scouting for data on how to position themselves to benefit from the future the sector holds.

It is in this light that book on ‘The Real Estate Market in Ghana’ launched. This book seeks to fill the information gap on a key emerging real estate market and demystify the perception that the market in Ghana is opaque. Drawing on decades of experience from within the market, Dr. Wilfred K. Anim-Odame, the author, presents a detailed examination of the real estate market in Ghana and its existing regulatory framework.

In doing so, he provides a justification for its relevance in Sub-Saharan Africa. The book focuses on seven thematic areas – land administration, legal perspective& market dynamic& investment potential and market competitiveness, valuation and compensation.

This book will be a useful resource for students, academia, practitioners, real estate developer and investors and professional advisors such as valuers, surveyors, lawyers, accountants, bankers, architects, planners and engineers. An important feature of this book is the way in which chapters are self-contained, and yet follow logically. One from another, with this approach readers can choose a reading path appropriate to their own specific needs without a loss of continuity.

Dr. Wilfred K. Anim-Odame has over 30 years of experience in the industry. He is a Senior Technical Advisor at the National Development Planning Commission in Ghana. He served as the Director of the Land Valuation Division, an analogous role of the Value-General from September 2010 to May 2012.

Thereafter, he was appointed as the Executive Secretary (Chief Executive Officer/ of the lands Commission between 2012 and 2018.)

He strategically transformed the Land Valuation DIVISI011 and Lands Commission. and also championed the digitization and automation of land services delivery. He has been an external examiner for undergraduate and graduate studies as well as PhD research at the Department of Land Economy. Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and

Technology, Kumasi, since 2011. He is a Chartered Valuer with a diverse background in land economy, property investment and finance, and a Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS) and Fellow of the Ghana Institution of Surveyors (FGhIS).

He has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals, and delivered presentations at many international platforms, including the American Real Estate Society; World Bank/IMF/LSE/GWU policy workshop; International Growth Centre; European Real Estate Society; African Real Estate Society; and International Federation of Surveyors (FIG).

Dr. Anim-Odame serves as a member of the Advisory Board of the Banking, Risk and Intermediation (BRI) Research Group of Durham University Business School, United Kingdom, and is a Commonwealth Secretariat scholar.