Voltacoast Investments invites investors, tourists to Keta

Voltacoast Investments invites investors, tourists to Keta

Our overarching goal is to combine the technical expertise of Keta constituents with capital in order to create wealth for households and enterprises within the district.

Voltacoast Investments is determined to build the district in partnership with the government. We have identified and evaluated feasible industrial projects for Keta.

We believe that without excessive taxation, minimum restrictions and a pro-business government, the Keta district would attract a significant amount of domestic and foreign capital.

We are ardent advocates of an enhanced favourable legal framework that protect investors who seek to exploit the lucrative opportunities that Keta offers.

The hour has struck for us to open the door to tourism and investment in Keta.

Successive governments can rely on our firm support to assist in the expansion of finance, telecommunications, healthcare, education, energy and all the other critical industries that can drive change within the district.