Organizational attributes job applicants must consider to accept appointments


As much as an applicant for a job must possess certain qualities that can attract prospective employers, the organization in question must also be identified with some unique features to make them first-choice favourites in the long booklist of job candidates.

Armstrong (2009) mentioned the positives and negatives of an institution to include ‘status, earning power, remunerations, and circumstances at the workplace, love for the job, safety and self-developmental avenues. These must be viewed in the light of competition so as to put measures in place or rectify to remain attractive’.

Another word for ‘status’ is ‘prestige, popularity, fame, etcetera. Even in normal life, ordinary people want to be associated with successful film-stars, musicians and footballers. The same way in the corporate world, staffs who have added-value to their lives, and have worked in advanced corporate settings, have a certain taste or preference in searching or probing for fresh new appointments. Indeed, they look for award-winning organizations that have enjoyed a certain mileage in the business. Institutions therefore must work hard to position their selves in that bracket to be able to be first on the list of job applicants.

Does the organization have the financial muscle to pay the profile of staffs with the track record they are looking for? The wealth of an organization depends on the product they sell, its patronage and revenue outcomes. The organization must go in for products they are noted for. The product the organization chooses to sell besides their strength, capacity and expertise to deliver, it must be a product that has a huge market demand.

What the organization can deliver in terms of its strength and staff abilities, makes them to deliver at the top level with excellence that goes to a particular segment of the market. It must be a product with value that has the potential of meeting a certain class with corresponding revenue. There are organizations that sell little and make a lot of money due to the price per product and size per patronage. Due to this, top-class organizations do not have cash flow problems and therefore have no fears paying and hiring staffs who can deliver at the top level.

Beyond their pay, there must be other motivational packages based on the motivational needs per staff. For instance, whereas one staff’s motivation is owning a personal vehicle, another’s interest could be an accommodation. Whereas somebody’s interest is back-pays or pay increase, another person’s preference is good investment package and good hospital care facilities for his children, others may be seeking to add recreational opportunities. Heads of organizations must know where it applies per staff and respond to their needs accordingly.

In spite of the pay, conditions at the workplace can discourage a lot of staffs from continuing with their appointments. For instance, if money dictates the job the prospective staff finds to do, he or she may not take into consideration other demands or challenges that goes with the job. If it is a metal factory shop or a smelting company that goes with some fire dangers and metal injuries, the staff is liable to suffering physical damages or hurts in addition to the pay or salary.

The other challenge is accepting an appointment that is not in conformity with the skills of the staff. For instance, you are not good in metrics and calculations yet due to frustration of getting a suitable job, you accepted a work offer in an accounting firm to either learn the trade or perform sub-accounting duties which can result in under-utilizing your skill. Can you work in the night or run-on shift? Would you take it because you are working for the money aspect? Are you ready to sacrifice for an extra time and energy without additional rewards? Can you work in an organization without structure where staff responsibilities overlap? Would you be comfortable or due to the money aspect, you will do it? Performing a job responsibility that you are good at brings the best out of the staff and makes him function well at post.

Have the organization you wish to work for or are working for a recognized institution under the company laws of the country? Are they registered and licensed to operate or due to the urgent need for a job, you never probed these important things? Is the organization selling a product that has a future and mileage in the market? Is your position secured in terms of positioning yourself to be an indispensable asset of the organization? Has the organization developed the capacity to rescue you should you be involved in a disaster? Are you insurance and medically covered? These are safety needs top class organizations and recognized institutions put in place before hiring because they are mandatory needs. An organization must prepare for uncertainties.

A working institution must remember that they are in the business with several others and these qualities enumerated and developed can put them in pole position to topple others, break limits and run ahead of competition. Good staffs will always want to be associated with the best and in developing companies, owners must bear this in mind.

The writer is a marketing specialist with a degree in international marketing.

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