Counter cyclical reaction


As Sky Sports of UK, reported on the 2018 Motor GP, there was one particular person that, they hallowed a lot of praise on as one of the most successful motorcycle racers of all time and his name is Marc Marquez.

This reportage really heightened my interest in Marc Marquez so I decided to find much about his sport and the skills and technique which he has that marks him out for such adulation.According to Marquez was born on 17 Th. February 1993, is a Spanish Grand Prix Motorcycle Road racer and one of the most successful motorcycle racers of all time with seven Grand Prix world championships to his name-five of which are in the premier Motor GP class.

Marquez races for Honda’s factory team since his Motor GP debut in 2013. He is nick named the “Ant of Cervera” worldwide and ‘el tro de Cervera’ locally in his hometown, meaning the ‘Thunder of Cervera’.

He is one of four riders to have won world championship titles in three different categories, after Mike Hailwood, Phil Read and Valentino Rossi.

Marquez is often considered one of the greatest innovators of modern Motor GP racing due to his comparatively exaggerated cornering technique of leaning so far over the bike he seems to be “in constant danger of sliding out”

Now from studying MOTOR GP for a while, for an individual or a business to be considered one of the best or most successful, the cornering technique has to be extremely excellent because it is the point at which the best bike riders starts to widen the gap between themselves and the rest.

At this point of cornering the bike rider is racing at 243KM per hour, the natural inclination for every human rider is to slow down at negotiating such a corner and this is exactly where the cornering technique of Marc Marquez is regarded as peerless.

Marquez does not slow down like his peers he rather increases his speed at the corner. The others normally slow down because that is the natural human disposition.

The concept of cornering is all about where we have to forge on with perseverance because it is the intersection at which we have a challenge of sliding behind or sliding forward.

But in the Motor GP, for an individual to be successful he or she ought to perfect the act of cornering which is that “if the bike takes the corner at an angle with a least amount of weight on the bike, the bike takes the corner quicker”

The concept of cornering is where an individual or a business must learn not to allow the weight of whatever crisis to deter them from balancing their speed at such intersections.

So it is with business, when market slows down, they retrench and it is called COUNTER CYCLICAL REACTION and this is what we have witness with so many businesses in the world.

For instance, in the world now, most businesses seem to be at this corner.

There are serious challenges which seems to put them at the corner of folding up but they need to also realise that this corner is also needed to spur them on.

It doesn’t matter how dangerous a corner might be, the cornering technique of learning is all that is needed because at this corner one is in constant danger of sliding out.