Rotary Club of Accra Ridge supports 5 communities with boreholes


Rotary Club of Accra Ridge has inaugurated five boreholes to support five communities in the Ga-South District Municipal Assembly as part of efforts to address the water challenges facing the communities.

The project which commenced about four years ago, met challenges along the line that delayed the process to providing the communities with potable drinking water.

According to the president-elect for the Rotary Club of Accra Ridge, Edem Menka, the iron concentration in the water became a problem, therefore, slowed down the progress of the project.

“The project started about four years ago but they were faced with issues of Iron concentration which made it not potable, so they had to bring on board a treatment plant by the experts to enable the community have good, potable, drinkable water,” he said.

Edem Menka told the media that a survey was conducted within the Municipality to find the communities with water challenges the most and finally arrived at the five communities.

He added that the project was fully funded by the Rotary Club of Accra Ridge in partnership with the Rotary Club of Carlingford and the Rotary Foundations also met it halfway. He said partners like Community Water and Sanitation Agency came along with their expertise to support the drilling.

Mr. Menka advised the communities to take good care of the boreholes and maintain them in order for them to last longer.

Among the communities that benefited from the five boreholes drilled in the Ga-South Municipal Assembly are Kulefianu, Alhaji Akrowa, Awudiman, Akpalokope and Kojonto.

Prior to the donation of the boreholes, the only source of water for the communities to drink and use for other domestic activities was a stream which was shared with cattle and ducks.

Members of the community expressed their sincere gratitude to the Rotary team and promised to do all they can to maintain the boreholes.