The youth/graduate unemployment menace

Emmanuel E.K AWUMEE

The increase in unemployment indices among the youth and graduates should not be solely blamed on lack of Jobs, but also lack of commitment, interest and job-readiness on the part of the unemployed. Some of those already employed keep working their way out of work to join the unemployed by increasing the unemployment rate due to attitudinal issues.

It might sound and look insignificant, but trust me, it is a major cause of the closing down and lack of efficient productivity in most private and individual companies and organisations in Ghana – and for that matter, Africa.

In an attempt to help resolve the unemployment challenges in Ghana and Africa, governments and donor partners should not limit the solution to unemployment as job creation; they need to review their strategies to include soft-skills that will influence job-readiness, commitment, dedication and why one needs to work in a safe and decent work environment in both the formal and informal sectors. Irrespective of one’s educational background (mindset), work should be seen as work!

If the above-mentioned situations and conditions are not dealt with, jobs will be created but productivity remain badly inefficient and insufficient.

In furtherance of the aforementioned solutions, should the right and enabling environment be created for existing businesses to thrive, they will be in a position to expand and employ more people in support of various governments initiatives; thus helping to reduce unemployment, if not eliminate it. Governments alone cannot solve unemployment issues; entrepreneurship support systems must be applied!

It must also be noted that though the stated conditions might look insignificant, job stigmatisation in the Informal sector of Ghana, for that matter Africa, is real – and contributes immensely toward graduate unemployment. You ignore it at your own peril!

If attention is not paid to some of these challenges in society and among the youth/graduates, no matter the initiatives governments may bring up, I am afraid the fight against unemployment will only result in business infrastructural developments but lack the needed human capital in terms of work-readiness.

>>>The writer is the Lead Facilitator at SESIL Entrepreneurial Coffee Session, an informal, practical entrepreneurial information and idea-sharing platform, meant to guide and unlock challenges confronting entrepreneurs for growth and sustainability through human capital development. He can be reached on 0264-790290 || 0249 666685 or,