Discovery Teen Chat deepens conversations on adolescent muddle


The Discovery Teen Chat platform has gathered teens for the second time to address the issues associated with adolescents as they encounter pressures from their peers.

The second edition of the Discovery Teen Chat delved deeper into topics like, developing yourself through education and character building, adolescent’s mental health – pressure, stress and suicide, among others.

According to the Editor-in-Chief of the Discovery Teens magazine, Mrs. Mercy Catherine Adjabeng, the introduction of two new topics in the second edition is as result of ‘Evaluation’ that was done to fish out the prevailing issues that the teens need to be aware of.

Talking about the pressures faced by adolescents, Mrs. Adjabeng said the adolescents pass through many challenging moments which need to be addressed in the proper way.

She added that providing more education on financial literacy is very relevant at their (adolescent) stage, since it will help build their mindset on how they can become financially independent.

“A lot of them think they can continue to depend on their parents for as long as they want but it is important that we let them know that having that saving attitude is important because that is what will make you financially independent,” she said.

To contribute to boosting the capacity of more teens, Mrs. Adjabeng said she looks forward to taking the program to various schools and groups that have given invitation to the Discovery Teens Magazine to have a tailor-made program for them.

She added that plans are underway to organize the Teens Chat monthly instead of the quarterly basis, should adequate support come on board.

Mrs. Adjabeng reiterated that going forward, the Discovery Teens Chat will advance to organise camp meeting which will provide more opportunities for the teens to explore more and the relevant information will be provided to them by the resource personnel.

She further requested organisations, stakeholders, corporate entities, among others, to support and contribute to the building of the Discovery Teen Chat platform which aims at helping the teens to make informed decisions and choices.

Mrs. Adjabeng expressed her sincere gratitude to the Victory Bible Church for their immense contribution towards the Discovery Teen Chat by making available their facility to be used and providing the necessary logistics.